Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 9 September 2024
Elaine Hanford
Retired Professional Geologist & Environmental Scientist; Consultant & Freelance Technical Editor; Consultant Family History e-Search
California issues health warning after confirming 5 human cases of flea-borne typhus this year
Schedule to remove feral hogs from Congaree National Park in South Carolina
Propane is a by-product of crude oil refining & processing of natural gas – therefore it is a fossil fuel but US DOE classifies it as “alternative fuel”
Biden-Harris administration pushed to remove purportedly racist highways – appropriated $4.5B but to date has only obligated about 4%
Now the US Constitution is being called “a threat to American democracy” that is “beyond redemption” as SCOTUS rulings have angered liberals
Perspective:? Higher education in advanced state of moral & spiritual decay - “progressive disease”
End of experimental policy in Oregon to make small amounts of hard drugs only a misdemeanor – problems clear from the beginning of the experiment – citizens no longer backed decriminalization
Porcupine populations are declining
Perspective:? Young eco-catastrophists are clueless about Nature – “fanning the flames of fear is easier than planting seeds of hope”
Microbial ecosphere 13 feet beneath the surface of Yungay Valley in the Atacama Desert in northern Chile
Water leaks from broken pipes in Houston, Texas, resulted in loss of 31.8B gallons in 2023
Cannabis use linked to epigenetic changes at DNA methylation levels – do not fully understand effects on human health
·?????? https://news.feinberg.northwestern.edu/2023/07/18/marijuana-use-linked-to-epigenetic-changes/?
·?????? Paper:? https://www.nature.com/articles/s41380-023-02106-y
Perspective:?? LNG terminals are hazardous to human health
US BLM releases Final Programmatic EIS for utility-scale solar energy development – open for administrative protest but not general comment
·?????? https://cleantechnica.com/2024/09/02/bureau-of-land-management-releases-proposed-western-solar-plan/
Several Native American Tribes in Nevada fear US BLM Western Solar Plan will adversely impact sacred lands in proposed Bahsahwahbee National Monument in White Pine County
Pause continues for trucks hauling uranium ore across Navajo Nation to White Mesa mill – Attorney General urges review of Grand Canyon uranium mine
·?????? https://www.grandcanyontrust.org/blog/attorney-general-urges-review-grand-canyon-uranium-mine
Proposal to build 480-foot-tall communications tower on state lands inside Bears Ears National Monument has been withdrawn from FCC but application not withdrawn from Utah Trust Lands Administration
Ancestral footprints of Grand Canyon National Monument – Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni
Power grids (MISO, PJM & SPP) heavily reliant on “renewable” energy issued “Maximum Generation” Alerts &? ‘Energy Emergency Alert 1” over the summer
1.3B tons of food wasted each year
Restoring water flow to the Santa Cruz River in Arizona & Mexico – named endangered river due to irresponsible waste disposal and over-pumping of groundwater
·?????? Paper:? https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/rec.14250
Fear-mongering headlines say “terrifying covid map” shows rates of illness over summer – but that is infections or positive test rates while hospitalizations remained relatively low – infectious but cause less severe symptoms
Biden-Harris giving yet more taxpayer money ($380M) to cover escalating costs of illegal aliens – with another $4B being sent to Central America “to address the root causes” – FAIR estimates net legal cost of illegals was at least $150.7 billion at the start of 2023 with a gross negative economic impact of $182 billion
·?????? FAIR study:? https://www.fairus.org/issue/publications-resources/fiscal-burden-illegal-immigration-united-states-taxpayers-2023
Reintroduction of beavers to wetlands in the UK has also spurred 393% increase in bat population activity – beavers are keystone species with significant beneficial impacts on wetlands & habitats
“Staggering” bird mortality from collisions with windows
EU now requires that single-use plastic bottles must now have caps or lids attached
Solar panels donated to Navajo Power Home
Pesticide use linked to sharp decline in bee populations
·?????? https://dornsife.usc.edu/news/stories/wild-native-bees-see-lower-counts-where-pesticides-are-used/
·?????? Paper:? https://www.nature.com/articles/s41893-024-01413-8
Global flood hazard map at 30-meter resolution constructed using hydrology, topography & climate data
·?????? Paper:? https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2023WR036460
The job of a dam structural engineer
Traditional infrastructure design often exacerbates extreme flooding events
Book Review:? “One Hundred and Fifty Years of Chage on the Great Plains” – chronicles transformation of the landscape using repeat photography in Kansas and Colorado
PFAS trifluoroacetate concentrations increasing in groundwater in Denmark over past 60 years
Uncollected waste & open burning are major sources of global plastic pollution
·?????? Paper:? https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07758-6
Afterthought Mine in Shasta County, California, added to Superfund National Priorities List – produced gold, silver, copper, lead & zinc from 1862-1952 – downstream sediments contaminated with cadmium, copper & zinc
Morocco slowly rebuilding after M6.8 earthquake one year ago
Namibia culling more than 700 wild animals in attempt to cope with drought
11 people in Sweden on trial for illegally dumping/burying some 200,000 tonnes of toxic waste from Stockholm at 21 sites – “aggravated environmental crime” released PCBs, lead, mercury, arsenic & other chemicals
Logging in Finland suspended after deaths of endangered freshwater pearl mussels
Attempting to cope with the consequences of having declared themselves a sanctuary city for illegal aliens
Biden-Harris considering yet more subsidies for “green energy” – propping up critical mineral projects – no estimate on the costs to taxpayers
UK FDRI will provide infrastructure to track aspects of hydrological cycle in open-air laboratories and in larg-scale live environmental data bank – Severn, Chess (Thames) and Tweed catchments
·?????? https://www.bgs.ac.uk/news/new-38-million-project-to-reduce-the-impact-of-floods-and-droughts/
Hellbenders project to improve water quality & restore population in Blue River-Sinking watershed in Indiana
Petition submitted to EPA and the UN to immediately delist & ban use of Corexit from list of authorized chemicals to use during oil spill response
·?????? Report:? https://whistleblower.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Deep-Impact-Ongoing-Vulnerabilities-in-Oil-Spills-from-the-Deadly-Dispersant-Corexit.pdf
Filamentous bacterium in your mouth (Corynebacterium matruchotii) reproduces by multiple fission
Subansiri Lower Hydroelectric Project mega-dam in India will cause extreme variation in daily water flows downstream – expected to be operational in 2026 – Subansiri River is tributary to the Brahmaputra River
Man in Southern California goes on shooting rampage & kills 81 animals:? miniature horses, goats, rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens, ducks… - weapons & ammunition seized
Kyle, Texas, is among fastest-growing municipalities in US but has to pipe in water to meet critical needs – will draw water from Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer beginning in 2025
Colleges failed to manage rhetorical sphere & lost sight of mission to educate lives for purpose – “self-serving centers of academic drift & dogmatic indoctrination”
SDG&E lithium-ion battery storage facility in Escondido, California, on fire – prompted evacuations of 500 businesses & closed nearby schools – “best to let those burn”
Biden-Harris inflationary policies caused significant increases in cost of living