Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 3 June 2024
Elaine Hanford
Retired Professional Geologist & Environmental Scientist; Consultant & Freelance Technical Editor; Consultant Family History e-Search
For all those who let the media damage their psyche – 20 end of humanity scenarios
17 major fails by humans in manipulating nature (slide show) – includes Grey squirrels in UK, Mississippi Levees, rabbits in AUS, Operation Cat Drop, Aral Sea, kudzu, Colorado River Catastrophe, Love Canal
Rating reports on “green” hydrogen pipelines
Confronting Transportation Secretary on the reality of EVs – massive subsidies & very low market share
Questions regarding incineration of medical waste & public health implications in Maryland
Book Review:? “Climate Anxiety and the Kid Question” – should not be a “climate” question but should be a question addressing the over-populated world and desecration of limited resources
·???????? https://insideclimatenews.org/news/27052024/jade-sasser-eco-anxiety-and-reproduction-decisions/
Falling debris is hazardous beneath $1.4B Loop 1604 construction zone in San Antonio
Final Environmental Review released for 38-mil Palmdale-Burbank segment of California High-Speed Rail Project - $144M spent on developing plans which are not yet completed – more approvals & $$$ needed
Claim that nuclear power is more mining-intensive is false – renewables require 70% to 80% more mining of rock and metal verified by new report
·???????? https://thebreakthrough.org/issues/energy/its-settled-more-nuclear-energy-means-less-mining
·???????? Report:? https://thebreakthrough.org/issues/energy/updated-mining-footprints-and-raw-material-needs-for-clean-energy
80-year border dispute with Mexico over 1944 water treaty for the Rio Grande – Mexico not meeting treaty requirements
Update:?? FOIA scandal – “conspiracy at highest levels of NIA and NIAID to avoid public transparency"
WHO Pandemic Treaty “crashed and burned” – that is a very good thing despite WHO DG saying “this is not a failure” – “threat to Constitutional rights and freedoms” – would negate national sovereignty
·???????? https://europeanconservative.com/articles/news/whos-pandemic-treaty-dead-in-the-water-for-now/
Romancing the River:? Win-winning the West & our Unimaginable Future – First People water rights
·???????? https://sibleysrivers.com/romancing-the-river-win-winning-the-west-and-our-unimaginable-future/
Lightning strike kills Colorado cattle rancher & 34 of his cattle in Jackson County
·???????? https://currently.att.yahoo.com/news/lightning-strike-kills-colorado-cattle-203716545.html
EVs need 5X as much copper as gas-powered vehicles – an impending environmental crisis
·???????? Report Summary & Link to download:? https://www.ief.org/focus/ief-reports/copper-mining-and-vehicle-electrification#:%7e:text=To%20electrify%20the%20global%20vehicle,require%20negligible%20extra%20copper%20mining.
Another $900M in federal subsidies for EVs – this time for 3.200 school bus rebates
·???????? https://cleantechnica.com/2024/05/29/usa-nearly-900-million-for-3400-clean-electric-school-buses/
Perspective on plastic packaging – plastic recycling is a sham
The “Anthropocene” is not a recognized geologic age but it reflects the damage humans have wrought upon Earth in just a few hundred years
Urbanization in Africa is accelerating quickly & threats food systems & biodiversity
·???????? Paper:? https://www.nature.com/articles/s41893-024-01362-2
Illinois State Fire Marshal has begun investigating massive fire at poultry farm in Farina
·???????? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/05/30/fire-illinois-poultry-farm/73908555007/
USDA implementing Phase VII of Lacey At provisions for plant & wood products
Do not emulate these dumb tourons!!!
·???????? https://currently.att.yahoo.com/lifestyle/heres-demonstration-not-photograph-bison-135742258.html
Trails in Scotts Bluff National Monument in Western Nebraska temporarily closed for herbicide applications in battle against invasive plant species
White-nose syndrome found at Carlsbad Cavern National Park in Myotis bats
UN warns of risk of disease outbreak in Papua New Guinea following landslide
Technological hazard – large language models like ChatCPT guzzle enormous amounts of energy with proclivity for tax avoidance, invasion of private & exploitation of attention spans as they gobble up mineral resources