Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 21 October 2024
Elaine Hanford
Retired Professional Geologist & Environmental Scientist; Consultant & Freelance Technical Editor; Consultant Family History e-Search
Fatal accident data for uranium haul route from Pinyon Plain Mine in Arizona & White Mesa mill in SE Utah
50 tiny homes in Brunswick, Georgia, remain vacant after 18 months – chronically homeless meant to occupy them are dying in the interim
Rate of inflation may be slowing but overall costs are up as much as 41.6% since 2020 in Denver while average pay is up only 22.8% - average inflated prices across the nation
“Green†energy facilities did not fare well in Hurricanes
·?????? https://insideclimatenews.org/news/13062024/inside-clean-energy-hurricane-proof-solar-panels/
Earth Overshoot Day reduced from December 1971 to August 2024 – Global Footprint now at a debit of 20.5 Earth-years resulting from exponential growth of human population & resource demand
·?????? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/we-re-in-debt-to-the-earth-how-can-we-repay-it/ar-AA1oDPhc??
“Green†energy requires more upfront financing making it a barrier to development – and, NO, increased government subsidies are not the answer
Language of conservation reflects more ambiguity and politics “legacy forestsâ€
·?????? https://insideclimatenews.org/news/14102024/new-conservation-jargon-awash-in-ambiguity-politics/
Update:? Mollie Kathleen Gold Mine tourist attraction death in Teller County, Colorado – cause of mechanical failure still unknown
Quest to revive the Colorado Orange Apple
Investigating the jackalope
Colorado wildlife officials give up on capturing gray wolf pup that was left behind in Grant County when rest of Copper Creek pack was relocated
Threats & militias are hampering FEMA efforts to address Hurricane Helene impacts
Yet another Renewables Strategic Plan – this one released by NYPA for public comment on scheme to achieve “zero-emission electricity†by 2040 -
·?????? RSP:? https://www.nypa.gov/-/media/nypa/documents/document-library/renewables/NYPA-Renewables-Draft-Strategic-Plan
A strategy to manage invasive cheatgrass on western lands by targeted spring grazing
Still proclaiming 2024 to be a hurricane season wrought by “man-made global warmingâ€
Warming of the planet may be occurring but at a steady state – not surging – “magnitude of the acceleration is either statistically too small, or there isn't enough data yet to robustly detect it."
·?????? Paper:? https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-024-01711-1
Biden extends national emergency due to terrorist threats as greatest number of illegal aliens crossing US Border on the terrorist watch list under Biden-Harris – Harris has declared she would do nothing different
Almost 60% of American adults favor federal ban on transgender surgeries for minors – minors are being subjected to gruesome and irreversible transgender treatments – Biden-Harris support overturning bans
Mapping “energy burden†where percentage of income needed to pay for necessities – “energy povertyâ€
·?????? Paper:? https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adp8183
Koala bears are threatened by vehicles & chlamydia
Florida residents refuse to leave hurricane plagued “paradiseâ€
·?????? https://www.terradaily.com/reports/Despite_hurricanes_Floridians_refuse_to_leave_paradise_999.html
New Delhi, India, completely bans fireworks in effort to reduce air pollution in 2024
·?????? https://www.terradaily.com/reports/Indias_capital_bans_fireworks_to_curb_air_pollution_999.html
Sprawling solar projects adversely impact desert “hydrology, groundwater, air quality, biological resources and local communities†– community opposition leads to project cancellations – overburden community to suppress public input
Animals have adaptations and strategies to cade with hurricanes
Sex trafficking of “migrant†illegal alien girls has exploded under Biden-Harris administration
Utah to launch experiments with air taxis & cargo aircraft in advance of 2034 Olympics
Most private well owners do not test frequently for water quality – officials recommend at least once a year
Concerns that Salton Sea is drying up because of water conservation – but Salton Sea was man-made in 1905 when irrigation canal failed - lakebed collecting more than 100 years of pesticide & chemical runoff
Perspective:? Plagiarism reflects a lack of integrity and professionalism
NWS changes wind chill terminology – now folks can be confused by extreme cold watches & warnings & advisories despite new wind chill index being issued in Fall of 2000 that addressed wind & temperature
·?????? 2000 Wind Chill Index:? https://www.weather.gov/ffc/wci
Humans are responsible for destructive land use and water mismanagement that has thrown the water cycle off balance for the first time in human history & threatens more than 50% of global food production
Pros & Cons of Proposition 129 regarding Veterinary Professional Associate (VPA) in Colorado
ICE statement says "Noncitizens with felony convictions forfeit the privilege to be in the United States,"?– will this be applied to deport the 425,431 convicted criminals that are illegally in the US?
FBI revises US crime statistics to reveal 4.5% rise (not 2.1% drop) in violent crimes - net increase of 1,699 more murders, 7,780 more rapes, 33,459 more robberies, and 37,091 more aggravated assaults from 2021 to 2022 – some locales including New York City & Los Angeles have not yet turned over their crime data
In 1980s UN defined environmental sustainability as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.†– with exponentially growing human population this is impossible even as they proclaim “We are on the cusp of a transformation to a sustainable worldâ€
·?????? https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/what-is-environmental-sustainability/ar-AA1smXwM
$33M Colorado River Connectivity Channel is now operational and circumvents Windy Gap Reservoir
Biden-Harries administration environmental justice advisors staled to receive or influence disbursal of nearly half a billion dollars in grand funding from agencies they advise – very clear conflict of interest
The truth of DEI – policies helped fuel a culture of grievance that boosted racial tension & deepened division
·?????? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/ny-times-dei-wake-up-is-better-late-than-never/ar-AA1ssaOh
Book Review:? The CO2 Cult of Modern Day Flat Earthers – Climate Change Net Zero Scam to Destroy the West
US District Court rules US Army COE permit for expansion of Gross Reservoir violates CWA and NEPA
Update:? Colorado orders Mollie Kathleen Mine to halt all tours & restrict all public access
AG took no action to protect Sacred Lands and ancestral remains from desecration by Ocotillo Express Wind Facility in California
Inaugural Tribal Energy Summit – importance of Tribal Lands to supply of critical minerals
US Army COE proposes bank stabilization project to protect Effigy Mounds National Monument ceremonial & burial mounds – increased erosion due to lock & dam system on the upper Mississippi River built in 1930s
·?????? https://insideclimatenews.org/news/19102024/mississippi-river-eroding-sacred-indigenous-mounds/
·?????? Effigy Mounds NM:? https://www.nps.gov/efmo/index.htm
Bahiagrass and cattle ranching in Louisiana
·?????? https://www.hayandforage.com/article-5062-Growing-bahiagrass-and-beef-in-the-Bayou-State.html
10 toxic PFAS forever chemicals found in bottled & tap water in major cities in the UK & China
·?????? Paper:? https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsestwater.4c00533
Water crisis could put more than half of global food production at risk by 2050
·?????? https://www.terradaily.com/reports/Water_crisis_threatening_world_food_production_report_999.html
·?????? Report:? https://economicsofwater.watercommission.org/
FEMA taking fire for increased focus on illegal immigrants & DEI policies
Biden-Harris increase access to Medicaid for millions of illegal aliens – will swamp US hospitals & cost taxpayers tens of billions of dollars more annually
Obama touts “playbook†for dealing with pandemic – have you read it?? It says nothing substantive that would have made any difference in the outcomes of the covid plandemic
·?????? Playbook:? https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/6819268/Pandemic-Playbook.pdf