Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 2 September 2024
Elaine Hanford
Retired Professional Geologist & Environmental Scientist; Consultant & Freelance Technical Editor; Consultant Family History e-Search
Technological hazards:? Modern World is Rapidly Changing – technology has progressed but humans have the same mental system as they did ages ago
Beaches closed on Lake Geneva in Wisconsin due to toxic blue-green algae bloom due to fertilizer runoff – not a new problem just one that public officials fail to recognize
·?????? https://wtmj.com/news/2024/08/24/toxic-algae-bloom-shuts-down-beaches-impacts-late-summer-swim/
Fentanyl coming from the drug cartels across Biden-Harris open Southern Border is now leading cause of death for young people in Wisconsin & increase in drug in Sierra County, New Mexico & enough illegal fentanyl on the streets to kill everyone in the US
Illegal aliens in State of Mississippi costing taxpayers tens of millions of dollars each year - $1B in Massachusetts – roughly $150B to all US Taxpayers
·?????? https://www.osa.ms.gov/news/auditors-office-releases-report-cost-illegal-immigration-taxpayers’
Biden-Harris announce more than $380M to provide additional shelter, care & other services to illegal immigrants
India & Bangladesh play the ‘blame game’ for flooding
Call for more money to “transform” the global food system – what about addressing the underlying overpopulation problem as part of COP29?
·?????? https://insideclimatenews.org/news/26082024/global-hunger-levels-remain-advocates-call-for-change/
At least thinking about cleaning up polluted rivers & harbors caused by industrialization & urbanization – they were not successful in cleaning up the Seine for the Olympics as athletes got sick
More than 50 Rivian EVs damaged in Factory Parking Lot fire in Normal, Illinois – waiting to be shipped out
EPA issued emergency order suspending use of DCPA (Dacthal) weed killer
Fauci received vaxx 6 times tells us to mask up as he contracts covid & then West Nile – proof that vaxx does not work – flip-flop policies did not work either – vaxxed cause harm to many – long-term impacts unknown
·?????? https://amgreatness.com/2024/08/26/after-6-times-jabbed-fauci-still-contracts-covid-west-nile/
OMG!? Giant bubble filled with CO2 stores ‘renewable” energy for 10 whole hours!!! ?And costs $Millions
OMG!!!? UN Secretary-General says decries “worldwide catastrophe” as “ocean is overflowing” - Sounds like chicken little!!!
DOJ finally prosecuting people including Biotech CEO for covid fraud that took $Millions – just a drop in the bucket
Cleaning up voter rolls – States removed non-citizens, deceased, moved out of state, convicted felons, etc. in Michigan, North Carolina, Texas, Nevada, Colorado, etc.
·?????? https://agenda.americafirstpolicy.com/election-integrity/clean-up-voter-rolls-before-every-election
·?????? Texas:? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/greg-abbott-removes-1-million-people-from-texas-voter-rolls/ar-AA1pwck8
·?????? Nevada:? https://mynews4.com/news/local/how-nevada-election-cleaning-voter-rolls-secretary-state-cisco-aguilar-ballot-battleground-nevada-podcast
Low-head dams (aka run-of-river dams, roll-dames or weirs) pose risks to water sport enthusiasts
Connecticut & Massachusetts ban use of PFAS forever chemicals in protective gear for firefighters
Biden-Harris subsidies have “doubled” number of EV charging stations – but they do not all work and now they are adding additional $521M as part of $2.5B subsidies
SoCalGas cut off supply line to Portuguese Bend landslide area
Invasive quagga mussels proliferating in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin – But Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources does not list their presence in any water body in Walworth County
US Army COE to re-evaluate site permit for Hyundai EV Metaplant in Georgia regarding impacts on groundwater – response to threatened lawsuit
Paris ranked noisiest city in the world – New York City is second – noise pollution has adverse health effect
Visitor spending in communities near US National Parks reported as $55.6B added to US Economy in 2023
·?????? https://www.nationalparkstraveler.org/2024/08/economic-output-national-parks-pegged-556-billion
·?????? Report & interactive website:? https://www.nps.gov/subjects/socialscience/vse.htm
US District Court blocks Biden-Harris attempt at giving 1M+ illegal aliens amnesty
·?????? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/within-days-court-halts-biden-s-proposed-amnesty-plan/ar-AA1pwy6N
EPA relied on studies by Dow AgroSciences (now Corteva) & industry consultants to conclude that 1,3-D has low cancer risk – EPA still has not authorized independent review & disregarding epidemiological data – “industries funding science …to maximize profits” – unresolved recommendations
·?????? Report:? https://www.epaoig.gov/sites/default/files/reports/2024-08/full_report_-_24-n-0053.pdf
Perspective on Media Crisis – no built-in fact checking on social media which creates countless hyper-emotional echo chambers
·?????? https://cleantechnica.com/2024/08/27/democracy-is-collapsing-on-itself-from-a-massive-media-crisis/
California legislature to cancel $400M loan to extend life of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant
·?????? https://www.ans.org/news/article-6309/diablo-canyon-gov-gavin-newsom-associated-press-loan-payment/
Visualizing US obesity rates by State – 34% of US is obese – higher than Global rate of 16%
Visualizing the tallest skyscrapers in 2024 – Burj Khalifa in Dubai still tops the list
Human population expected to hit 10B in 2060s and then decline – not enough to save the environment
Anti-depressant drugs are getting into the environment and changing freshwater fish
·?????? https://www.sciencealert.com/antidepressants-are-seeping-into-fish-everywhere-and-its-changing-them
US documents first cases of “sloth fever” among 21 travelers returned from Cuba – most now fully recovered
Blind cavefish develop taste buds on their face as they age
·?????? https://www.sciencealert.com/blind-cavefish-grow-bizarre-taste-buds-on-their-face-as-they-age
·?????? Paper:? https://www.nature.com/articles/s42003-024-06635-2
Anthropocene is not an accepted geological age but images at Nasher Museum of Art of human impacts are ugly – “Second Nature:? Photography in the Age of the Anthropocene”
Power generation from fossil fuels met most of rapid rise (5% increase) in electricity demand in the US
SCOTUS refuses Biden-Harris Regime pleas to lift nationwide injunction against unconstitutional student loan cancellation scheme – teaching the lesson of responsibility
Ford Motor Company becomes latest high-profile company to reverse DEI policies – follows in Lowe’s footsteps
Tattoo ink sold on Amazon has high levels of anaerobic & aerobic bacteria that could cause inflammatory reactions, allergic hypersensitivity, infections and/or toxic responses – FDA has issued some recalls
·?????? Abstract:? https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/aem.00276-24
$400M solar cell facility in Colorado praised by Biden administration now scrapped by Intel as “not financially viable” – expansion of solar cell facility in Arizona also scrapped
Romancing the River:? Headwaters Challenge
Listeria outbreak linked to deli meats – 57 cases all required hospitalization with 8 fatalities
State-of-the-art forensic chemical analysis for bullets & trace evidence
Scorecard for flood risk disclosures laws in the US
Survey of opinions in hazardous areas – 73% support stricter construction regulations –37% say ban new construction - 57% support rebuilding - only 13% support moving out of hazardous areas
Flurry of greenwashing lawsuits over deceptive claims – naming micro-plastics
History of USDA biological control to manage plant pests began in 1888
Ludicrous – Biden-Harris backs plastic as coal replacement to make steel – “lost their minds” with $182.6M federal loan guarantees – “No one has any idea what the emissions profile of burning plastic will be.”
Last hydroelectric dam on the Klamath River has been breached – salmon can swim free
North Anna Nuclear Power Plant renewal means operating two reactors beyond 2058 – originally licensed to operate for 40 years – originally went online in 1978 and 1980 – will add inspections and equipment testing
Japan broadcasts special on real-life severe side effects of mRNA vaxxing
Using municipal sewage for fertilizer means having spread toxic chemicals on agricultural fields for decades – contains heavy concentrations of toxic PFAS forever chemicals bioaccumulated in livestock
Outbreak of suspected avian botulism at Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuge Complex
Tainted feed from source in Kansas supplied to rodeos may have caused deaths of 70 horses
Holistic assessment of how recreation adversely affects water quality in streams
How “man-made global warming” became a political cause deliberately manipulated to encourage ill-informed doubt
No evidence that partial driving automation systems make driving safer but may make it more dangerous
·?????? https://www.msn.com/en-us/autos/autos-luxury/new-car-feature-can-be-downright-dangerous/ar-AA1oszir
Innovator, Director, Writer, Designer
3 个月Odor-Free, Water-Less Infections-Free and Echo-Friendly Toilet and Urinal When we are in the toilet, the bad smell of our stools comes and we use perfumes to remove the smell but the perfume smell and stool smell mix and produce some harmful environment. We feel uneasy at the time of stooling it disturbs our mood for some time till we go to fresh air. When we use a public toilet then there is a long Q and people go one by one the environment of the bathroom is terrible and the danger of infection is very high and many people get many kinds of diseases like E.coli, skin infections, and burning sensation in urine. So, I designed an eco-friendly toilet and urinal.