Environmental Compliance
Environmental impact assessment and approval is the start of the project journey, but environmental compliance is where things get real.
Over the last few years, the NSW Government has continually increased its focus on construction and operational environment compliance. Enforcement action has been brought against projects in many sectors including renewable energy, resources, infrastructure and urban development.
The result of enforcement action can go beyond a monetary fine, including constraints or delays to development/operations, cost of corrective actions, additional conditions on licences and consents, and future reputational challenges.
Our senior personnel have worked extensively within large corporations and as consultants, and therefore understand the importance of working with your client in preparing EMP's and setting up environmental compliance systems from the start.
We are currently assisting clients on several major projects in NSW and QLD to develop workable environmental management plans and communicate how commitments made can be implemented.
Importantly, we ensure that commitments made during the EIA process and in EMP's are designed to focus on the specific environmental issue for the development, and avoid unnecessary commitments that do not result in any environmental benefit.