Environmental Benefits of Mozzarella di Bufala Campana
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Source: Alimenti News
Did you know that eating Buffalo Mozzarella cheese can help the planet? That’s what a new study says. It was done by Professor Luigi Zicarelli and his team, and you can read it in the journal “Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research”. They found out that the buffaloes that make the cheese eat a lot of plants. And those plants take in more carbon dioxide from the air than the cheese-making process lets out. So, for every kilogram of Mozzarella di Bufala Campana cheese, 52 kilograms of carbon dioxide are gone from the atmosphere. It means that the cheese has a negative carbon footprint, which means that it helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
This data is impressive if you take into account also the sustainability efforts of the Mozzarella di Bufala Campana Consortium as a whole. According to Nomisma, a research institute, more than half of the cheese producers have invested in green projects, like solar panels, biogas plants, and compostable packaging. That’s impressive for a group that has 80 members, 1300 farms, and a turnover of 750 million euros.
The President of the Mozzarella di Bufala Campana Consortium, Domenico Raimondo, says that sustainability is very important for their members. They want to meet the market demands and deal with the rising energy costs, but also they want to work more with the main Italian universities, looking into the infinite potential of buffalo milk, not just for cheese, but also for health and well-being.