Environment and "A Bias for Action"?

Environment and "A Bias for Action"

“Save the Environment”, was what the placard read as I passed by a set of activists in Jantar Mantar. (For the uninitiated Jantar Mantar is the epicenter of political protests in New Delhi - Capital of the Republic of India, the literal translation fo the words mean witchcraft, however it is an observatory (1 of 5) built by the royals of Jaipur to trace time and positions of the planets and stars.) It was a a perfect January morning, cold as it always is in this part of India - low visibility and a bit fo fog. As I saw the protestors walk by I could not but look at the sight around me and wonder how much responsibility do we have to take action beyond a simple protest. Not far away i could see a few sanitation workers trying to burn dry leaves and rubbish to keep themselves warm, there were a few hawkers who were selling peanuts warmed in an earthen pot which was boring dry wood with smoke and soot continuous coming out of it. Not far away was this busy traffic signal with loads of diesel vehicles slowly emitting dangerous gases into the atmosphere. It was super noisy and you could smell stench on the pavement as some protesters had made the pavement their temporary home while others found a favourable corner to color with the stench of their urine (a preserve of males in India). The scene was not only about air, water and noise pollution but just polluting to the overall senses of human existence.

It was at that moment I felt numb, unable to move a muscle in my body and could see that the entire sight was polluting - it was graphic and violent to my senses. And I closed my eyes, but the sense could just not go away - it was beyond visual too! I could hear it and my nose was hurting. Just then as i was lost in fighting all these senses that had begun to overpower me, I got a push from behind almost falling on the floor face down and the woman shouted “andha hai kya” literally meaning am i blind. It was a wake up call and I really felt that all this while I had really been blind. Blind to the way of life we rationalise as a way of life (sometimes even culture) in our land, a country rich with heritage - where great thoughts emerge from vacuum and are called great philosophies (maybe because others can implement them much better than us). This was my calling for a bias for action, that I will not be a passive bystander and that before asking others to follow suit - i will take it upon myself to act in my daily life to limit things that contribute to degrading the beautiful planet that we have inherited and one we want to leave for our future generations (hopefully in a better way).

The thought was great, the implementation was super tough. It was so tough to stand patiently and not honk when everyone else is doing it on the road. more so when you are being driven around, asking the driver to limit honking. Where to keep that empty wrapper of chocolate or chips that you have just consumed when you can’t see a trash can in sight. Getting you car cleaned with a wet cloth when you have high pressure water nozzle that neighbours in your building use to give their cars a good bath every week. And do all of this with internalising within oneself, rather than trying to teach the whole world on how to do it. It is a way of life and i learn’t it by way of life experiences only. I was struggling with teaching my daughter how to focus and study as she is growing older and learning is getting a bit more serious. No matter how much i will counsel her, she would not grasp it. In the meanwhile, i enrolled for further education, and as i started to focus on my studies - i found her attitude change. She herself started to find her own means of concentration without any effort from my end.

The lesson is simple - have a bias for action, but on yourself because it you whom you control fully. its your will and you can do what you want - if you care about something you will do it. I do not have anything against leaders and what they can preach others to do. I just feel all of us are leaders of ourselves and of our own consciousness, let's lead it towards a bias for action from ourselves and not towards a novelty of thought and senseless demonstrations for others to take actions on our thoughts.



