EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System
Dr. Lara Aitken
Master Life/Health coach, Hypnotherapist, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Functional Medicine Practitioner
The EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System is your solution to remove VOCs from your home both safely and effectively. The unit is portable and once the Enviro-Air? Cartridge (size 14”x14” included with purchase) is installed it will begin to remove and neutralize chemical odors, allergy triggers, and malodors in the air.
EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System utilizes hospital-grade technology to provide maximum air cleaning efficiency for your home and office. Enviro-Air Mobile combines certified HEPA filtration along with our patented EnviroKlenz-Air Cartridge to remove airborne pollen, dust, odors, mold, gasses, fragrance, VOCs, allergens, bacteria, and more.
The risk of health effects from inhaling any chemical depends on how much is in the air, how long and how often a person breathes it in. Scientists look at short-term (acute) exposures as hours to days or long-term (chronic) exposures as years to even lifetime.
Breathing low levels of VOCs for long periods of time may increase some people’s risk of health problems. Several studies suggest that exposure to VOCs may make symptoms worse in people who have asthma or are particularly sensitive to chemicals. These are much different exposures than occupational exposures to VOCs.
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