Tracy Yekaghe
Writer | MHH Programs & Gender Development Consultant | Social Entrepreneur
We are in an age and time where most entrepreneurs are really positive more than ever before that their knowledge alone has the capacity to attract the much needed breakthrough they need to break even.
Such a strong belief may not be totally out of place considering the fact that we are currently in the knowledge economy.
However, it is important for us to bear in mind that in addition to being knowledgeable and the actual results that could stem out of its monetization;
The modern day entrepreneur must also bear in mind that focusing entirely on profiting from his/her knowledge is not all that there is to actualizing success economically.
It may no longer be news that a great number of entrepreneurs who come up with different business ideas intended to serve as solutions in the marketplace, are forced to bootstrap in order to generate capital internally.
In some cases these entrepreneurs are not mentally confident enough to believe that their solution even has the capacity to attract some form of investment at the start-up or eventual growth stage.
Hence, they not only depend on 'sweat capital' but also continue with the mindset of making it big without any external input as it pertains to 'investment capital.'
Indeed there are so many complexities that could arise from making a shift from sweat capital only mindset to investment capital, which is why the visionary nature of the entrepreneur alongside integrity cannot and should not be separated.
Nevertheless, this is not to fade away my emphasis made earlier on the need for a mental reorganization from that of a loner to a mentality firmly planted on the privileges of which the word and practice of LEVERAGE has to offer.
Tracy Yekaghe is a prolific writer, trainer and business strategist.
She is currently open to working on projects and initiatives aimed at entrepreneurship/capacity development.