Entrepreneurship and the role of top 10 CA companies

Entrepreneurship and the role of top 10 CA companies

Accounting is pain and suffering for many business owners. It is impossible to figure it out in one evening, the requirements are constantly changing, and the legislative norms and principles sometimes contradict common sense. So, it becomes necessary to turn to the?top 10 CA companies .

Some entrepreneurs keep records on their own – for individual entrepreneurs this is the best solution. As it grows, accounting is transferred to a full-time accountant. At this point, there is a deceptive feeling that everything is under control. Error: in fact, problems can accumulate for months.

How to understand that you have problems that need to be urgently sorted out? Here is an example of a call that will give you an idea that your accounting is turning into chthonic chaos, and you need an expert of the?top 10 CA companies?on your side.

A request for payment of tax contributions has come

If you received a notice from authorities, it means that there is a debt in taxes or contributions. The presence of such a debt means that the data present in your financial statements and the data shared with the tax office is different.

To prevent the situation from repeating itself, you need to find errors and discrepancies in accounting, due to which debt hangs on you.

To do this, it is important to turn to experienced professionals of the?top 10 CA companies?who will help you manage your accounting department with the required level of attention and expertise.

The missions of the?top 10 CA companies?are not confined to accounting. They can support entrepreneurs at all stages of their project, from the choice of their status to the development of their activity.

Why do few entrepreneurs think of turning to a CA firm from the start of their project?

Entrepreneurs mainly come from the world of salaried employment and therefore do not have the opportunity to meet Chartered Accountants during their careers. They know little about their field of action.

The second reason is more structural: they associate the creation of a business with the search for legal status, therefore with lawyers, who are better recognized than the chartered accountants?on so-called complex subjects.

How can we define the role of chartered accountants vis-à-vis entrepreneurs?

Support on various subjects, ranging from the registration of a company to the social status of the future manager, through the portability of pensions and mutual health insurance. From one firm to another, their role is broad.

At what stages do the top 10 CA companies intervene?

Typically, either upstream or downstream of the business strategy, from the commencement of the project. Even when this document has been written, rarely, they do not correct it.

Entrepreneurs who have little experience often content themselves with subtracting their expenses from their projected turnover.

Chartered accountants?go beyond: they translate these figures into cash, take tax into account, develop reporting schedules, etc.

What other formalities do they accompany entrepreneurs on?

Chartered accountants are valuable allies in building a financing file: they can put entrepreneurs in contact with their network, help them convince bankers to obtain a loan. They also have an overview of the aid linked to innovation from which it is possible to benefit.

This content is meant for information only and should not be considered as an advice or legal opinion, or otherwise.?AKGVG & Associates ?does not intend to advertise its services through this.


