Entrepreneurship as it is...
Riya Chakraborty
Content Management | Technical Writing | Branding Strategies | Market Research | International Marketing
E N T R E P R E N E U R S H I P, The Heavy Word!
Isn't it relatively conventional to believe in the idea of building something while simultaneously engaging or enlightening others?
The intersection of various aspects of contributing to a change on a global or local level through a business has been viewed as one of the major acts that an individual may perform if they have an idea or a voice to share. The status is often held high if that business attains the perception of societal success, but it can also immediately fall apart in the case of a failed attempt. Businesses today are measured on profits, numbers, and scalability. The hard work, the striving forces, or the investments are of no value unless they hit the highs, but with the growth in technology, societal stability, and rising awareness, the mindset is changing.
Individuals are shifting from one-dimensional thought processes to building a success story of their own, and it's not just limited to having a steady, straight path. On a global scale, around 58–72% of young entrepreneurs have a diverse background. It raises an important question: Can an entrepreneurial journey be considered a failure if the performance was adequate but somehow jeopardized? Another question that can also arise is: Is it okay to alter paths but have one vision ultimately leading to the goal, through those different paths?
Personal obstructions, a lack of knowledge or resources, or even a dispute could cause damage to an entrepreneurial project. It's not about how or why it ceased; it's about identifying the values and experiences, then moving forward with the good lessons learned.
Entrepreneurship isn't just about success or failure; it's indeed a part of it, but it's also much beyond the two formal measures; it's about the cause behind it, the efforts, the work, the building, and the initiative behind it. The conformation of numbers makes it easier to bring someone down or bring someone up, but the journey is what creates the story.?
Mental understanding and views are based on many deciding factors, but if change is demanded, it has to start from a neutral standpoint of thoughts with the liberation of judgements.