Entrepreneurs. Which is your vision if elected 2018 IEEE President-Elect?

Entrepreneurs. Which is your vision if elected 2018 IEEE President-Elect?

Entrepreneurs are a group of industry people with specific needs, mainly directed to develop and support entrepreneurship skills and competences. The will be one of the essential and creative engines of industry innovation and the economic development. They are the ones who are taking the challenge of using or developing new technologies and applications and aim to create new agile companies.

A few years ago, the IEEE Board of Directors ran an experiment to analyze the needs of entrepreneurs and start understanding how IEEE could help them. Due to other priorities, this successful experiment was not continued by the Board. I felt important for our scientific and professional community to expand this analysis and the experiments to support our industry professionals as entrepreneurs. To this purpose, with the cooperation of many active volunteers and entrepreneurs, I established an AdHoc Committee of the Technical Activities Board. This committee studied more in detail the needs of this group and achieved some valuable results.

With our extraordinary people, I will focus on creating a personalized offer for entrepreneurs. Listening to entrepreneurs in each geographical area, analyzing the local needs, and identifying effective solutions all together, I will work with all Boards and organizational units catalyzing our efforts in following main areas:

  • Expand technical activities, communities, and standards in emerging technologies and multi-disciplinary areas specifically for the aspects relevant to entrepreneurs.
  • Expand specific educational activities on entrepreneurship skills and practice, at any level of experience.
  • Expand specific networking opportunities to better learn from role models and peers, as well as to enter in touch with experts of the various areas relevant to them for possible collaboration and mentoring.
  • Further expand the recognition of excellence of entrepreneurs, especially in technology, product development, engineering practice, and industry management.

Actual specific activities should be identified together with entrepreneurs and all people in each geographical area, since the most appropriate solutions depend on the specific needs and aspirations of the local professional community.

The actual initiatives should be analyzed on the bases of the specific needs of each geographical area and the available financial and human resources.

Cooperation with other institutions, professional associations, entrepreneurship organizations, and startup incubators should be broadly and pervasively seek in order to leverage on possible synergies and avoid duplications. To spend efforts and funds in an optimal way, in this arena IEEE should always avoid to mimicking what others are already doing efficiently and effectively, but - if possible - join forces with them to complement their offer with the international perspective offered by the global view of IEEE. Alliances with the United Nations, the World Bank, and similar institutions as well as with foundations could also significantly help in achieving the common goals for the benefit of the scientific and professional community and the development of the economy.


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