The entrepreneur’s message shared to millions make millions
Most of my clients have an amazing story to share. They are truly remarkable entrepreneurs who want to help others with their own skills.
The most difficult thing for a genuine entrepreneur is to have something really valuable to share but being afraid or scared of doing it. They fill up their brain with thoughts like “what if I’ll sound stupid” or “who am I to think these people will want to hear from me” or “even if I would try I would sound and look ridiculous” or “I don’t even know how to do it properly”.
This is sad because only a few entrepreneurs worldwide really take the step forward to get the right guidance and knowledge to learn and be fantastic at speaking to others, which leads them to share their amazing message. What’s the consequence? Well, they make a substantial amount of money (a lot more than the ones who do now own this skill).
But here’s the reality that I’ve learned by speaking to thousands of people in the past 9 years. The reality is that this is actually very easy to accomplish. It really is!
Let’s say you want to do webinars, virtual summits, group zoom calls or proper lives on social media (not mediocre ones like we all see every day) or speaking to groups of people in a physical room and let’s say you want to be very good at performing them. You want to be so good that your business will be instantaneously scaled every time you do it.
Like the majority of entrepreneurs I know and based on several statistical studies, the fear of speaking to a group of people is massive and hits pretty much everyone. And those who are brave enough and “kind of” do them, they can’t really generate anything major out of those performances. Majority of the people are very lame when they perform public speaking.
So, the question is:
How could you perform at a level where you would know with high possibility you would be a super success? And could that be done from your very first performance? Or if it’s not your first one now, how can you have a very high chance of making your next performance a super profitable one?
Well...hold on and make sure you read what I am about to share. I will tell you exactly how to use this simple process that will allow you to go into your next presentation knowing you will succeed. No fear, no doubts and nothing less than a super confidence level and an unbelievable feeling of “I’ll be great, somehow I know it”.
You see, it took me years of being ridiculous in front of others trying to share what I wanted and I couldn’t even speak english properly. But one thing I am not is a quitter. I always thought I could master public speaking.
I kept practicing and working with a mentor who taught me some important tweaks I had to learn.
Just imagine a young guy who can’t even speak proper english (I was born in Portugal) giving speeches for english speaking audiences lol. I'm laughing now because I know it was part of my process, but do you have any idea of the hundreds of thousands of $$$ I lost because of my poor speaking skills? It was a lot of money! A lot!
Let me ask you use public speaking to grow your business (this includes webinar rooms, virtual summits, zoom calls, lives on social media, etc, not just the stage rooms or the corporate rooms)? If not, are you planning on doing it? I have to say this, those who dominate their market, have mastered the skills of communication too many people at once.
I have a couple of more questions…
Are you afraid of looking ridiculous or maybe think you can’t really do it well? Maybe you have something scheduled soon and you feel you are not ready for it?
I remember when I would feel angry with myself because I wanted to do something so good like sharing my knowledge in the health industry to help people who have no health and I just couldn't overcome some of the mental blocks immersed in me about my speaking skills.
“I can’t speak english. These people never understand me so what am I trying to do? My accent is very bad. My vocabulary is very poor.” bla, bla, bla.
You see, we all go through the same right?
If this is you, I’ll teach you 3 steps you must take to guarantee the success of your next group talk.
Do yourself a favor and honestly try this simple process.
Step 1 = Mindset Prep Work
You must prepare yourself specifically for this talk ok.
- Self diagnosis - do your own self diagnosis. You must know what you are amazing at and what you are horrible at. The positives you will leverage them in your presentations and the negatives, for now you will hide them.
- Audience diagnosis - Your audience, who are they? What do they want? Why are they listening to you? What words do they like? What persuasion skills do you need to use on them? What are their trigger points? See, you must know in detail who your audience is and prepare your entire speech for this exact audience.
- Positive tailored affirmation - create one affirmation specific to this one talk only. Each speech is different so each time you perform a speech you must create one affirmation super tailored to it and say it often out loud every day before you perform your speech. This is super important because it will create within you a strong feeling of a successful speech even before it happens.
Step 2 = Tailored strategy and “the one move”
You need a game plan, a strategy. Think about a navy seal right. They have a very specific game plan before they go into the battlefield. You must do the exact same to make sure you are not worried about failing or have any similar negative thoughts. All you are thinking about, when you go into your “battlefield” is in the execution of your plan. That’s all you care about.
Having a step by step clarity reduces drastically the feelings of anxiety and fear (these feelings come from uncertainty).
Your plan must be tailored to your speech. Again, every performance is unique. You must look at them in this way. That’s how you will win, starting from now.
“The one move” - this is what no one in the market teaches and if you want to know the details of it just watch this free case study where I go into all of the different angles of the entire process.
“The one move” is the move/action/”ace” you will throw in your presentation that will “wow” your audience. This is the move that you have planned in your strategy that you know once you launch it you will knockout the audience. They will be so fascinated with you that they will follow you into your next steps. This “one move” must be carefully launched in your speech. Look at this video to learn exactly how to do it. This is the step that will guarantee the success of your speech.
Step 3 - Your Magic Script
Whether you are performing in a virtual room or in a physical room you must have your script with you, at all times. Having the script with you does not mean you will be reading it while you speak, that’s a big no! You will have it there to guide you and to release you from the fear or forgetting what you must say and when you must say.
The script must be clear and connected to the steps 1 and 2.
That’s it! See?! I told you….it’s easy and simple. This is all you have to do to make your speech the same as the top 1% in the world.
If you just try to do what I am telling you, the way I am telling you, be prepared to double or triple your revenue and have hundreds of people saying to you “thank you for sharing your message”.
You will:
- make more money to take care of yourself and your family
- reach and help more people (most probably you will have to increase your staff team to handle all of your new requests)
- feel a deep fulfilling state of purpose. This is the ultimate level of happiness.
Now you may ask “Is that it?”
Well, the truth is while others focus on millions of things about speaking they forget the most important ones: your audience and your message! How simple is this? These two are what truly matters so all of your effort must be about them.
Work in knowing your audience and knowing how to share your message to them. Do it well and you will achieve greatness way beyond you could think possible.
Again, if you want to put 30min of your time you can just watch the free video case study where I’ll go through the entire process in more detail.
Let me tell you learn this process once and you will never need to learn it again, you just repeat it over and over. All you have to do is to adapt the process to each speech.
=>here’s free access link to the case study<=
For your questions feel free to reach out and remember, if you have a message worth sharing with millions of people, do your best to make it real. Doing it well will change your life forever. It has changed mine.
Be great