Entrepreneurs CAN Change the World
Not to sound hyperbolic, but I believe that as entrepreneurs, we are responsible for pushing forward ideas that benefit humanity. And, while we’re out there chasing our fortunes and success, we can also be actively helping society and our environment.
A great example of someone living this mantra is Elon Musk. He has made it very clear that his investments in Solar City, SpaceX, and Tesla are to help us become less dependent on fossil fuels and to help us one day become a multi-planet civilization.
And before you scoff at these statements, consider that Elon basically took all of his earnings from the sale of PayPal in the late 1990’s and invested all of it into moonshot companies.
Yes, solar and electric vehicles are all the rage right now, but 16 years ago that wasn’t the case.
But solar companies, electric vehicles, and rocket ships are all expensive endeavors to try and undertake. So how can entrepreneurs, that aren’t flush with billions from their previous exit, make a difference?
I’ve been following a few companies for a while now that are actively trying to tackle the issues we’re facing from an ecological point of view, and here’s some of the innovative ways they’re doing it.
Clean The Oceans – Make A Great Shirt
Last year I wrote about Purakai, a company that was using Kickstarter to try and bring their plastic bottle shirts to the market. I’m happy to report that their funding campaign was a success and their shirts have hit the market.
In speaking with Noel Helsenbeck, the founder, he shared with me the impetus for turning waste into clothing. He is a surfer first and foremost. And while floating out on his board one day, he was appalled by the amount of bottles and trash drifting alongside him. He decided that if people weren’t going to clean up their waste, then he was going to use it to make some money.
And Purakai isn’t alone in the idea of taking people’s waste and monetizing it.
Bacon From Coffee?
A company out of Montana, called Blue Marble Biomaterials, is taking biomass (a fancy word for food and organic waste) and through proprietary processes is turning that waste into a host of chemicals and ingredients that are used in manufacturing products.
I reached out to Colby Underwood, the CEO for Blue Marble, and he had some shocking figures to share with me.
“Did you know that over 95% of the consumer goods we use every single day – clothing, food, makeup, soap – contain chemicals that are derived from crude oil? Because of this, we’re never going to reduce our dependency on oil if we keep buying the products that helps bank roll their operations.”
Colby is extremely passionate when it comes to the idea of taking waste and creating profits. And his company is aggressively trying to replace our dependence on crude oil by taking biomass, like spent coffee grounds, and creating a bacon flavoring ingredient. And ingredient, mind you, that is most commonly produced with chemicals derived from oil.
His company is currently running a campaign called test the waters, which allows regular folks to reserve shares in their company for their online public offering, or Regulation A+ offering.
Ocean Waste Is A Common Theme
As Purakai has highlighted, the waste problem in our oceans is reaching catastrophic levels. Thus, a small company like them isn’t going to be able to tackle this problem by themselves. But while entrepreneurs should step up, big companies also have an onus to help where they can. Luckily, brands like Adidas are taking steps in the right direction.
They recently released a running shoe that is made up of 95% waste harvested from the ocean, is still a prototype – and yes, is probably a PR stunt – but it shows a willingness from larger companies to address the ecological issues we’re facing.
Similarly, I wrote about Google’s Project Sunroof last year. It was obviously a play by the search engine to capture revenue through affiliate sales. But regardless of how they were making profits, they were pushing forward the idea of residential solar panels. And when a company as big as Google pushes an idea, people listen.
And if we can continue to push forward the dialogue of entrepreneurs helping solve are ecological and societal problems, there are bound to be countless brilliant ideas that will come about that will benefit everyone, not just the entrepreneur making the profit.
And don’t believe that any initiative to help our society needs to be a non-profit. Profits are a major driver of innovation. If we can harness that innovation for the good of mankind, then it behooves us to do so.
This article first appeared on my Forbes column