Entrepreneurial Sprint #6
Jimmy Kouvelis
Freshman studying Journalism at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
As the 6th sprint concludes I would like to report some great information and news regarding my team. We have just completed our fourth interior detail on the month hoping to reach our established goal of 10 by Feb 28th. During our most recent detail, we did our biggest car yet, a Ford Bronco. It took the longest of all of them coming in at around 2 hours but it was our first time doing a large car like that and we wanted to take our time. We did that one with 3 people and it turned out great. We are looking to purchase a second set of our equipment as we usually send two people to a job and it will be less time-consuming to go straight to the job instead of going to our teammate's house to pick up the equipment. We are getting the process more refined each time and shortening the time each time as well.
Moving forward, we are looking to detail more parents as they have a better grasp on the pricing and we also want to be better with taking before and after pictures to post on our social media's so people can see our work. We have also finalized our pricing. Sedans start at $65 and SUV's start at $75. Both vary and will increase based on stains, odor, etc;