Entrepreneurial Encouragement

1. Get inspired with motivational quotes.

This is something too many people dismiss. As I mentioned before, being an entrepreneur is tough. Something as simple as reading a motivational quote or a short article on someone else who became a success can often give you the boost you need to keep going. Every time I feel fatigued and overwhelmed I go on Instagram and read some motivational quotes and instantly feel ready to conquer the world. Some of my friends who are successful in business follow motivational social media accounts or even subscribe to receive daily motivational quotes in their inbox. We just bought a new building and have plans to decorate our walls with motivational art.  We got this idea from some large tech companies that decorate their interior walls with motivational messages.

2. Write down your goals.

A well thought out goal that is written down will help you stay motivated to achieve it. Post it somewhere you will see it daily. Consider posting it on mirror in your bathroom, above your computer screen, in your car or even across from your toilet. Make sure you also detail in writing your plan to achieve the goal and set micro goals that have time-lines for completion. Hitting benchmarks will keep you on track and motivated. Don’t underestimate the importance of small victories. 

3. Reward yourself.

Everyone reacts positively to incentives. Use this to your benefit. Treating yourself to something special if you hit a specific goal can do wonders for your motivation. You need small rewards to make you remember why you started on the entrepreneurial journey. It’s important to set performance-based rewards, and reward yourself when you hit a milestone. Make sure you have a visual way to track your progress. Seeing your goals and rewards will increase your motivation to meet those goals.

4. Surround yourself with like-minded people.

Once again, being an entrepreneur is tough! Many of your family and friends won’t understand why you are doing it. They’ll try to discourage you. If you start to succeed you may even notice some people around you getting jealous. That jealousy turns into negativity that slowly eats away at your ability to stay motivated. Ignore them. Instead, surround yourself with people that share the same desire to succeed that you do. Consider joining local entrepreneur and mastermind groups. When you meet someone successful, attempt to forge a friendship. You become who you surround yourself with, so select wisely.

5. Keep to a routine.

Starting your day with a high level of energy and enthusiasm is difficult for everyone. It becomes even more difficult when you don’t visualize how you’re going to start your day. Come up with some sort of routine that works for you. Just remember, everyone is different. For some people it’s working out in the morning to get their blood flowing. Others take time for a good breakfast with the family. It sounds silly but I wake up and listen to a music playlist that motivates me while I’m in the shower followed by breakfast with my kids before they’re off to school. Figure out what helps you and make it part of your daily routine. 

6. Schedule personal time for yourself weekly.

Being an entrepreneur is exhausting. Most of us spend every single waking minute thinking about our business. It’s not healthy to be completely caught up in our business without taking some personal time. Make sure you set aside time each week to do something completely unrelated to your business. This should not be watching television or loafing on the couch. Instead try biking, meditation, hiking, golfing, traveling or anything else that allows you to disconnect from your business for a few hours every week. It’s amazing how a few hours of “you” time can give you a re-boot after a long week.

7. Stay positive at all costs.

We’re all different. Something that motivates one person might not work for someone else. Find what works for you. Just always remember, being an entrepreneur doesn’t come easy for anyone. It’s all about grit and determination that will get you to the finish line. Regardless of what anyone tells you, it is possible, you can do it. There will be days you want to quit and situations that seem impossible to navigate around, but remaining positive will give you the inner strength needed to make it happen. Believe me, IT IS WORTH IT!


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