The Entrepreneurial Dream
Dan LeFave
Founder, 10x Operating System | Data-Driven Coaching for Simplified Scaling & Strategic Growth | Empowering CEOs and Dentists | 2x Author
Most entrepreneurs think they are in control of their business. But in reality, they are the same people that started their business years ago with specialized technical skills. Not only that, but they have also become a manager of resources and resourcefulness and putting out fires that their employees can’t handle.
Of the thousands of leaders, I’ve had the pleasure to work with over the last decade, few were true entrepreneurs. Many were operating with the false belief that they are living the life they dreamed of before they started their business. They started their business because they had technical skills and believed they could do it better than their boss. They created a business plan because that’s a basic necessity for any start-up, but they didn’t focus on their big goals. They didn’t create a plan for the life of their dreams.
I met Wally after he had been in business for 18 years. He had a seven-figure business, an office, and a team of people to operate it. Yet he wasn’t enjoying the freedom to do what he loves despite being in business for almost two decades.
His employees would use his office like a revolving door for psychological support for personal issues. His partner would spend money without consideration of budgets. He even picked up office supplies instead of handing this responsibility over to his staff. He was a technician and manager by day and an entrepreneur after hours and on weekends.
He described his day as riding a high-speed train that keeps making three minutes stops so he can put out fires and solve new problems. He was living in a constant state of reaction dealing with the latest issue and office drama. His life consisted of a chronic pattern of managing the business, dealing with technical issues, and dreaming up the next product or service that would increase revenues. He wasn’t aware of it, but he was on a crash course for burnout or even worse, business failure. He didn’t know it then, but inside every one of us lives three different, but conflicting, personalities.
We all start our business because we have the entrepreneurial dream to be our own boss and have the freedom to unplug whenever we like and buy what we want. But in reality, all that we had were technical skills and a dream that we could create something amazing and timeless. In a flash, the dream faded, and we enrolled in a being a manager and technician. Some of us escape the grip of the technician inside of us, but most become a manager of people and tasks, devoting less than ten percent of our time towards new innovative ideas.
The three conflicting personalities operating in every business owner are the entrepreneur, the manager, and the technician. One morning, we woke up with a dream to be the next great leader, and the minute we opened for business, our technical skills took over. We naturally drift towards what’s familiar and comfortable. Years go by and the habit of problem-solving for the people around us becomes and habit which gets in the way of our dream.
Our technical skills get in the way of living the life of our dreams. We start with a big idea and then our dominant personality takes over. The technician lives on and the entrepreneur becomes a highly paid manager. Months pass by and entrepreneurial dreams become a memory of the past. What’s missing is a strategic plan, a Life Plan that you can use to measure your performance and achievements.
Wally didn’t know about creating a plan to live the life of his dreams back then, but he does now. Business plans create revenues, life plans create dreams. The fastest and best way to create your life plan is to think of the five most important people in your life, consider how you would like them to remember you, write it down, and check in weekly to measure your progress.
The life that you want, the family that you want, the health you want, is going to be fuelled by the business you build.
You get to decide how big your business will be. The more income you project, the bigger the team. The more team members you have, the better organized you need to be.
Breaking down your goals into manageable tasks is the fastest way to solve this problem.
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