Entrepreneur Groups on TILT NEXUS
Désiré Mirelux ?? The Brand Maverick
Join me for YOUR BEST YEAR EVER and build that 6-figure lifestyle doing what you LOVE ?? ? Exclusively on T I L T N E X U S . c o m ? Join for FREE??
They will become a strong part of our organisation here as a network, so it's important to jump into these as soon as you can.?
These groups will make sure that you're getting the right support but also helps us as well - so we know who needs more support moving forward. This is part of a much bigger project which I'm excited to work on but can't talk about yet!
The?Artists?space is for all the designers, painters, illustrators, photographers, calligraphers, etc.
The?Crafters?space is for florists, fashion designers, furniture makers, jewellers, chefs, bakers, inventors, etc.
Leaders?are coaches, consultants, therapists, activists, social entrepreneurs, nutritionists, etc. They provide guidance and support to others, rather than providing a done for you service.?
Movers?are dancers, musicians, personal trainers, yoga instructors, etc.
The?Storytellers?are podcasters, bloggers, videographers, writers, documentary makers, etc.
The?Builders?space is for the businesses that aren't in the creative space but they provide a service that serves their communities: construction, agriculture, real estate, industrials, M&A entrepreneurs, SMEs, hair dressers, plumbers, hustlers, technology, green entrepreneurs, etc
The?Supporters?space is for businesses and entrepreneurs that are designed to provide support for others, such as legal, accountants, IT, lead generators, marketing, researchers, financiers, etc.?