Entrapped in the Abyss: My Captivity in the Venomous Serpent City and Plea for Rescue.
Entrapped in the Abyss: My Captivity in the Venomous Serpent City and Plea for Rescue.

Entrapped in the Abyss: My Captivity in the Venomous Serpent City and Plea for Rescue.

In the absence of a response to my prolonged captivity and utter deprivation in Greece, now persisting under harrowing conditions, my existence teeters on a precipice, reliant on the benevolence of others, while local NGOs and the UNHCR, whose actions resemble those of a crime syndicate rather than humanitarian entities, prioritize political gains and personal enrichment over humanitarian duties, complicit in this decade-long ordeal of barbarity by my captors, have stripped me of rights and freedoms.

The dereliction of their duties not only exacerbates my suffering, but their actions—or the lack thereof—suggest a surreptitious intent to compromise my safety. I am in dire need of support that transcends mere survival; I require a helping hand that can lift me from this perilous predicament and restore the dignity and security that every human being rightfully deserves.

The everyday collision with adversity in this hostile environment, plagued by filthy conditions, scorching heat, and incessant traffic noise, as well as vile acts of mockery like the tossing of rancid bread in front of me, with the reprehensible intent to demean rather than assist, evokes not just an immediate outcry but also a plea for prolonged and substantial relief efforts. My health and welfare are not just at risk; they are in a perpetual state of crisis.

Daily, I confront malicious deeds such as motorcyclists discarding inedible food items at my premises and hastily departing, a grim reflection of this area’s prevailing belligerence. On June 14th, 2024, anonymous individuals left inedible food by the second tree outside the agency while I was momentarily away attending to personal hygiene across the street, further aggravating my deteriorating situation and underscoring the targeted actions against me, starkly exhibiting the hostile environment I endure daily. Evidence of my experiences and ongoing tribulations is available in this footage, underscoring the urgency for prompt intervention.

The accumulation of dust, leaves, and debris around my surroundings, despite my diligent cleaning efforts twice daily, aggravated by the janitor’s conscious omission of my immediate area during her bi-daily cleaning rounds, has not only become extremely tiresome due to energy depletion and scorching heat but also contributed to my health’s decline, further exacerbated by persistent perspiration and itching. The constant exposure to the harsh climate and lack of basic amenities severely compromises my health and well-being. Additionally, biting insects, mostly ants, among other creatures, frequently disturb me daily and disrupt my limited night’s sleep.

The demolition of my seventh shelter on April 23rd has left me in tattered clothing and an unwashed state, with my blanket also urgently needing cleaning. No facilities for showering or laundering are available, forcing me to rely on a street-side water tap opposite the UNHCR building for an inadequate, cold water shower and washes of my clothes. Rest is unattainable due to the itching and smell, and washing my blanket at this location is impossible. The dirt and discomfort continue to drown me in this bleak existence. The psychological toll and impact on personal dignity this entails cannot be overstated, making the need for urgent help more imperative with each passing moment.

Compounding the challenging conditions, I am subjected to enforced starvation aimed at achieving malicious political ends, notwithstanding my abstention from declaring another hunger strike outside this UN agency. Their persistent adversities and covert war against my struggle for justice and freedom throughout the past decade have tormented my existence. Despite the intermittent aid—contingent upon enduring a quota of harassment and spaced far apart, mostly delivered on weekends—the prevailing tendency seems to be one of reinforcing such adversities with distressing frequency, showcasing systematic tormenting.

Anwar Nillufary Plead for Nourishment via a Handwritten Note
Submitting my Handwritten Note and Requesting a Verified Duplicate With Protocol Number.

Amid another grueling week of acute starvation and an unyielding absence of support, I endeavored once more on Wednesday, June 19th, 2024, to convey my dire need for nourishment to two passing receptionists who displayed stark indifference by neither halting nor engaging. Again, on June 24th, 2024, I faced a locked door and an unresponsive, seated receptionist who offered no acknowledgment.

This increasingly callous neglect compelled me to persistently monitor the passing by UNHCR staffers while engrossed in my overwhelming workload, to reiterate my profound need for nourishment and raise complaints about the receptionists’ uncooperative behavior while imploring for an end to my captivity in Greece.

Upon encountering the first staff member on June 25th, 2024, I firmly expressed, “I need to speak with the UNHCR. I need food here. Are you criminals, why should I be struggling for food here every day?” His response was cold silence as he retreated into the building. Similar disregard was shown by the second staffer, who diverted to a secondary entrance, and again by a young employee accompanied by security, with the security personnel offering only a vague promise to relay my request.

Even my encounter with their Kurdish interpreter led to no direct communication as he evaded the main entrance, opting for the side-street entry used for parking vehicles. Subsequent encounters with non-responsive staffers heading to the entrance after ATM withdrawals only resulted in a receptionist blocking me in the foyer as I demanded an explanation on their agenda and questioned if they intended for me to starve.

Additionally, my urgent requests for sustenance made repeatedly to the UNHCR office in Greece via the reception staff are either stubbornly refused to be communicated—arguing non-responsibility despite prior instances of cooperation—or carelessly advising to send yet another email, even in light of my grave circumstances well-known to them. Despite persistent pleas to the UNHCR’s Inspector General for urgent intervention and essential subsistence support—now critical for my survival—my plight remains largely unacknowledged. I have made these dreadful circumstances known in various correspondences with previous communications remaining readily accessible in this Google Drive Folder.

On Wednesday, May 29th, 2024, following another grievance submission, my urgent request for nourishment was met with refusal by a UNHCR receptionist, citing non-responsibility, and his subsequent disruptive intervention with my direct plea to a female staffer, leading to my forcible expulsion from the foyer amid shouts and threats, driven by outdated and selective enforcement of a 2017 Court injunction. Watch this video for more context, capturing the wrongful treatment.

On Wednesday, June 12th, 2024, after submitting another formal complaint, my plea for urgent intervention was once again ignored by the UNHCR’s reception in Greece. I have been advised to make direct phone calls or send emails, but my lack of balance and the absence of responses to my emails have rendered these suggestions futile. This refusal to assist underlines a reprehensible disregard for my plight. Details of the encounter can be viewed here.

Anwar Nillufary re-escalating Nourishment Issue to the UNHCR Inspector General
Re-escalating Issues to the UNHCR's Inspector General on Tuesday July 02nd, 2024.

Reflecting on my futile attempts to procure aid, the indifference from 83 humanitarian organizations in Greece over a decade stands stark. Including the UNHCR, the collective could have easily contributed a modest 20 euros each to my Fundraising Campaign – enough to prevent my unsheltered state and starvation. Yet, all combined failed to provide even that minimal sum, exposing their hypocrisy and betrayal of proclaimed principles.

Although Greece is not afflicted by conflict, my existing situation resembles famine, as the expected support from their purported humanitarian entities and the broader community—mirroring their indifference—remains elusive, perpetuating the entrapment in the ‘City of Serpents’, where collective negligence—denying basic rights and advocacy—precipitates my unrelieved hunger. Genuine interventions could have alleviated my suffering, but deliberate inaction, exacerbated by the lack of donations, despite visible links on my big banner, worsens my captivity and starvation in this hostile society.

Despite the proximity of a bustling supermarket and numerous eateries, tangible help remains elusive, as my visible distress is met with callous disregard. The scent of takeaways and food deliveries to the building taunts my unrelenting hunger, highlighting the gap between my profound needs and surrounding indifference. Occasional food offers from passersby fall short or are retracted entirely when found inadequate or non-consumable alone, underscoring society’s pervasive savagery, leaving me persistently hungry and isolated in my struggle.

The unyielding neglect from the UNHCR, despite my acute state of starvation right outside their office and numerous unacknowledged complaints to their Inspector General and repeated direct outreach through inattentive receptionists and evasive staff, prompted the submission of a handwritten note on Friday, June 28th, 2024.

Within this note, I reiterated my request for daily provision of quality food from UNHCR-approved vendors and continued monetary donations until my precarious captivity situation in Greece is satisfactorily resolved. Additionally, I voiced my complaint about the reception’s uncooperative and obstructive behavior in relaying my urgent messages and the staff’s evasion of communication, proposing to display my note prominently to serve as a constant reminder of my daily requirements and to circumvent these exhausting interactions.

The note was handed to a security agent at the entrance, requesting a verified duplicate with a protocol number for my records. Returning a copy without a protocol number, I reiterated the request through the same agent and another staff member. This ultimately resulted in an email reply from the organization, laden with inaccuracies reflective of their continued indifference towards my plight. They reiterated prior impractical solutions and falsely alleged a visit from the Reception and Solidarity Center of Athens (KYADA), claiming services were offered, while all that was offered was a hat, ignoring my requests for food and cold water.

This continued cycle of neglect and inadequate responses undermines my predicament, leaving my essential needs unaddressed and exposing critical gaps in UNHCR’s case management, further endangering my well-being and underscoring the need for impactful intervention and accountability. Although this issue was again re-escalated to the Inspector General’s office on Tuesday, July 02nd, 2024, given my prior unacknowledged communications, the prospects of urgent intervention from their end remain unknown. The details, along with my handwritten note and UNHCR’s inadequate reply, are disclosed in this video, which also documents additional harassment on my handwritten note’s submission day.


Acquiring a new shelter and necessities requires a minimum of 500 Euros, highlighting the critical nature of your aid in this difficult period. Your prompt contributions to my Fundraising Campaign are vital for my sustenance. Additionally, endorsing my online Petition and sharing both Campaigns with your network would be immensely beneficial.

“Donate now to support a Refugee directly.”

All contributions, irrespective of amount, are crucial for making a difference. Your continued monetary assistance is greatly appreciated.

Sign the Petition here.

In conclusion, I extend my sincere gratitude and urge your prompt and thoughtful decision on this critical issue, for the significant benefit of our collective human society.

Your immediate action is required.

Hostage of Europe / Anwar Nillufary

Published: Monday, July 08th, 2024

Also Read:

1)- "Seventh Shelter Demolished at UNHCR Doorstep." Here.

2)- "UNHCR Silent on Repeated Shelter Demolitions." Here.

3)- "Urgent Appeal to UN Post Shelter Demolition." Here.

4)- "UNHCR’s Dark Intentions: Neglect or Plan?"?Here.


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