Entrance Fees Cairo Attraction and Ticket Prices for all Giza Egypt sightseeing, The pyramids area in Giza, Saqqara
Entrance Fees Cairo Attraction

Entrance Fees Cairo Attraction and Ticket Prices for all Giza Egypt sightseeing, The pyramids area in Giza, Saqqara

Entrance Fees Cairo Attraction and Ticket Prices for all Giza Egypt sightseeing, The pyramids area in Giza, Saqqara and more.

The Egyptian government provides the highest standards of security and safety in the archaeological areas of Giza, Cairo and the old neighborhoods. You can visit the archaeological sites with ease and comfort.

The price of the entry ticket is in Egyptian pounds (the local currency). You can change your currencies through automatic withdrawal machines that are widely spread in Cairo, the capital of Egypt.

There are also currency exchange shops in the Pyramids, Giza and Saqqara areas.

You can go to Luxor from Cairo through Luxor Day Trips from Cairo International Airport or the express train, or by booking your Trip with ?Hurghada Travel Agency online.

Working hours in the archaeological sites in Giza and Cairo are from 07:00 am to 17:00 pm and work throughout the week and all times of the year.

List Entrance Fees Cairo Attraction and Giza locations:

Entrance Fees Cairo Attraction


Kids”5-10” | student

Obelisk of Mataria (Cairo)



The pyramids area in Giza



The Great Pyramid



Khafre's pyramid



Menkaure's pyramid



Campus of the Sphinx


mers ankh



The tombs of the workers who built the pyramids



All-inclusive ticket to enter the pyramids area + the Great Pyramid + Khufu Boat Museum



Saqqara District and Imhotep Museum



Tombs of the New Kingdom + Tombs of New Saqqara



Serapeum Cemetery



Meriruka Cemetery



Inside the pyramid of Djoser



The southern cemetery of the Djoser group



Comprehensive ticket for all locations of the Saqqara region

(Imhotep Museum + New Kingdom Tombs + New Saqqara Tombs + Meriruka Cemetery + Mehh Tomb + Serapeum)



Dahshur area



Abu Sir area



dead zone hostage



Bahariya Oasis



History of Ancient Egypt brief civilization the contribution of the ancient Egyptian civilization in the field of government

The history of Egypt is known by the dynastic period which started by the first dynasty ruled upper and lower Egypt as one United country for the first time about 3200 B.c. in the same time it was the beginning of knowing writing and lasted to dynasty 31 which ended about 332 b.c..

These dynasties were divided according to Manetho the Egyptian priest and historian during the Ptolemaic period to different kingdoms and his division is considered the main framework for the study of the Egyptians royal families until now.

he started by the old kingdom (dynasty 1 to 6) from 3200 b.c to 2180 b.c which is known by the pyramid’s builders.

Then the first intermediate period dynasties 7 to 10 from 2180 b.c to 2050 b.c .as Egypt became a weak country and got divided again to kingdom of north and kingdom of south.

Middle kingdom for dynasty 11and 12 from 2050 b.c to 1710 b.c and known by the reunification period.

Second intermediate period from dynasty 13th to dynasty 17th about 1710 b.c to 1550 b.c.

History of Ancient Egypt - Entrance Fees Cairo Attraction

During this period, Egypt was occupied by the famous occupation which was known by the Hyksos mostly in the delta north of Egypt.

The new kingdom includes the dynasties from 18th to 20th from about 1550 b.c to 1050 b.c .

Which as well known by the golden ear of the pharaohs and even Egypt was known by the empire of Egypt

Third intermediate period started from dynasty 21 st to 25 th. from about 1050 b.c to 650 b.c.

The late period for dynasties 26 to the Greek time about 650 b.c to 332 b.c when Alexander the great came to make Egypt free from the Persians.

The Greek ended their occupation 300 hundred years later when the Roman came over about 30 b.c.

There is more about Egypt you can know during your visit to the land of civilization and history.

Modern History of Egypt Since 1952 Till now, Egypt has seen a lot of changes on the throne.

It started on the 23rd of July 1952 ,when a group of the army generals were known by the free officers movement raised a revolution against king Farouk 1st?and obligated him to get down of his throne and appointed his six months old son ,prince Ahmed Fouad?to be the king of Egypt under the regent of the army generals.

King Farouk was born in 11th of February 1920, ruled Egypt after his father king Fouad 1st in 1936 when he was 16 years old.

After the revolution, He was given an option to choose a country to go to it, so Italy became his choice, he lived there until his death in the 18th of march 1965, his body was buried in El Refaae mosque in Cairo according to what he had asked for before his death.

A year after in 1953, Egypt was changed to be a republic country and not any more a kingdom.

Mohamed Najib was appointed by the free officer’s command council as the president of Egypt, but 6 month later they withdrew him and president Nasser came to the ruling chair.

Gamal Abd el Nasser was born in the 15th of January 1918

He led the army revolution and became the vice chairman of the Egyptians revolutionary command council (1952-1954).

Became the monarch of Egypt between 1954-1970.

Did a lot of satisfied activities to both the the poor and middle class in Egypt.

President Nasser became the most beloved popular ruler to the Egyptians.

He died in the 28th of September 1970.

Few months later Egypt got another member from the revolutionary council to be the president.

Entrance Fees Cairo Attraction

Entrance Fees Cairo Attraction


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