1.? Worthy audience we sincerely thank great cleric like Ayatollah Saafi Golpaygani & rest of the great Ullemas & writers for enlightening us to write this Article. Folks as you notice in daily affairs or in trendy mundane style, the acquisition of power to the throne continues unabated both in fair & unfair way. Even today (13/ 14 July 2024) former US President Donald Trump was shot at a rally by believingly an American gunman, fortunately he escaped death narrowly, likewise on 3 November 2022, Imran Khan, former PM of Pakistan and chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) political party, was shot in an attempted assassination in Wazirabad,?& nowadays we see a brutal war has been waged by Israel against people of Gaza, thereby killing over 30,500 majority Muslims & wounding over 2 Million people so far? On our side we see war on terror all along the tribal belt & certain other areas of Pakistan (it may be termed a Holy War against the evil doers. Here it needs to be understood that the sacrifice of IMAM HUSSAIN at Karbala was neither some mundane lust for Power nor was it a struggle for democratic leadership. The?events that took place in Karbala?many centuries ago (October 10, 680 AD) still arouse pain as the tragedy of the battle fought between forces representing good and evil is recalled with ?tearful eyes. The example of courage and forbearance set by IMAM HUSSAIN (AS), as he led his troops against a cruel enemy is a story history cannot forget. Nor the wise leadership of Imam Hussain’s (AS) elder brother HASSAN (AS) is forgettable by the historians. Imam Hassan (AS), who embraced martyrdom at Karbala, as he attempted to bring peace, which would benefit the people of that time in that area .The sacrifices made at Karbala in the years that followed the massacre inspire Muslims and people of other faiths, everywhere. We can only wish that in the world of today, there were more persons willing to emulate Imam Hussain (AS) and what he stood for, refusing to give in to wrong and to stand up for principle.
2.? Ladies & gentlemen for centuries, the tragic story created a sense of unity among Muslims. Muharram, the month on the Islamic calendar when that battle was fought, today it has turned into a time of renewed terror and pain for our Nation, very traumatizing unfortunately. What is needed is Muslims must ask themselves what was the principle for which Imam Husayn (ra) sacrificed his life, precious as it was. No amount of passion play or shedding of tears would help clarify this crucial point. What is needed is to emulate the example of Imam Husayn (AS). It is one of courage in the face of tyranny and oppression; of principled opposition to unprincipled rule and usurpation of power. Muslims must also ask themselves whether they find examples of the character of Imam Husayn (AS) among the rulers that litter the landscape of the Muslim world today or whether they are all following in the footsteps of Yazid? Honest reflection would provide a clear answer. If the Muslim world is mired in endless crises and corruption and much suffering, it is because most Muslims are closer to Yazid in their personal and collective conduct than to Imam Husayn (AS). They pay lip service to the great struggle and sacrifice of Imam Husayn (AS) and many also participate in commemoration ceremonies for the noble Imam, but they live like Yazid. The lesson learnt have been forgotten which were as follows:-
- Don’t Accept Humiliation. In one of his speeches, Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) said that the authorities in Kufa had given him only two options: humiliation or death. He carried on saying, “And we do not accept humiliation. ”A tradition repreported by Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) records that, other than not accepting humiliation, Almighty Allah has given to believers a choice in all matters.
- Keep an Open Mind. This means thinking independently and being just in one’s judgments, not simply following others blindly and keeping one’s eyes closed. On the day of Ashura, Imam Hussain addressed Yazid’s troops (may Allah remove His mercy from them): “O followers of Abu Sufyan! If you are not following the teachings of Islam, then as freemen, be independent of judgment. On what basis do you fight me now?”
- A Deeper Understanding of Death. Few people desire death. The Holy Qur’an challenges the evilists & jews for not welcoming death in view of their alleged special relationship with Almighty Allah. Imam Hussain deepened our comprehension of death by drawing attention to the three points below:
ü? Death is written for everyone and no soul can escape it. He said: “Death is an adornment of life as a necklace is an adornment of a beauty”
ü? Death with dignity is preferable to a life lived in humiliation.
ü? Dying for the cause of Islam is martyrdom and a great honor. In his farewell to relatives in Madina, the Imam said: “Whoever joins us will be martyred; those who remain behind will miss the victory.”
- Awareness. Desertion is discouraged via military court martial and firing squads. A commander has never given troops permission to evade the battlefield before or after Imam Hussain. The Imam himself would like them all to be aware of the consequences of the impending action before any accepted the challenge.
- Support the Truth. Imam Hussain announced: “Don’t you see that truth has been replaced by falsehood? We must be prepared to sacrifice everything that is precious in support of Truth!”Truth is the essence of Islam and fortifies the values emphasized in the Holy Qur’an. Hadrat Ali Akbar asked his father: “Are we not on the right path?” The Imam replied in the affirmative. Hadrat Ali Akbar then said: “Then, it makes no difference if death comes to us or if we approach death.”
- Never Too Late to Repent.Hurr al-Riyahi, the first commander to surround Imam Hussain’s troops and prevent their access to the water of Euphrates, provides an excellent illustration of repentance. Regretting his action, he asked Imam Hussain if his repentance would be accepted. The Imam told him that it is never too late to repent. Hurr joined Imam Hussain’s camp and was honored by being one of the first martyrs.
- Fidelity and Loyalty. Fidelity is a characteristic admired by all. If friends meet in times of comfort and wealth but leave when hardships and difficulties strike, it is clear that their friendship is not true. On the day of Ashura, Imam Hussain told John, a servant of the renowned companion Hadrat Abu Dhar: “You have accompanied us all the way but now you may go.” John replied: “It is not fair that I benefit from your company and hospitality but abandon you in your hardship.” His attitude exemplifies fidelity, loyalty and true friendship.
- Participation of the Ladies. Without Lady (Bibi) Zainab’s participation in Karbala, the mission of Imam Hussain could not have been fulfilled.
- The Pleasure of Allah. The objective of all believers should be to please Almighty Allah. Imam Hussain said in one of his speeches that the only objective of the Prophet’s Holy Household (peace be upon them) is to please Allah. Whenever he saw family members martyred, he would utter: “It’s bearable only because Allah is its witness.”
- Giving Preference to the Needs of Others. In Islamic terminology, giving preference to the needs of others is referred to as Ithaar. On the day of Ashura, the actions of Hadrat Abbas, brother of Imam Hussain, exemplify Ithaar. Hazrat Abbas fought bravely to gain access to the water of Euphrates. He did not consider his own thirst but strove instead to bring water to the tents for the women and children.
- Patience in Adversity. Allah tells us in the Holy Qur’an that only those who remain patient will receive reward without measure. Imam Hussain, a living example of what the Qur’an taught, was happy to “remain patient” in hardship and endurance and to await his Lords reward. His patience was not out of weakness or helplessness, but it was a demonstration of his steadfastness and bravery. Those who saw the Imam on the day of Ashura reported. “We have never seen a man remaining as composed as Imam Hussain, whereas his relatives and children were slaughtered before his eyes.”
- Significance of Amr bil-Ma’roof. Imam Hussain declared in a speech that the only objective of seeking this reform was to emphasize the significance of Amr bil-Ma’roof and Nahi-anil-Munkar (Enjoining good and forbidding evil).
- Use of Lawful Means to Reach a Goal. Imam Hussain tried to stop Umar ibn Sa’ad from pursuing his evil objectives. He said to him: “You are promised the government of Ray (modern-day Tehran), yet you will never eat the wheat of that area.” Ibn Sa’ad responded: “Its barley will suffice!” Realizing that he couldn’t change Ibn Sa’ad’s mind, Imam Hussain said: “Those who use unlawful means to achieve their objectives never attain them.”
- Chastity and Hijab. After the tragedy of Ashura, women and children became prisoners of war and were taken first from Karbala to Kufa, and then to Damascus. They were tortured en route and forced to walk behind the soldiers who carried the heads of Imam Hussain and his companions mounted on spears. When they arrived at Yazid’s headquarter in Damascus, Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) asked that the heads be removed from the proximity of the women and children in order to protect them from spectators.