The Entire Band Festival Parade
Holtz Realty

The Entire Band Festival Parade

In spite of it being somewhat overcast early this morning, it started out to be a fine day, but as the sun climbed higher, the southerly wind started in, and by the time mid-afternoon rolled around, it was far too windy to be doing anything constructive outdoors. I've decided to start placing big red "X's" on the calendar each and every day the wind is blowing harder than a slight breeze, and if these winds continue like they have been, I know I'm going to be shocked at the end of the year after having counted all those windy days. We'd better be getting more rain than we normally do because that wind'll be drying plants out all the more quickly.

After getting myself settled at office, I borrowed a friend's pickup and went and purchased more fencing that needs to be installed around my garden areas. As I mentioned before, I'm totally "over" allowing those vile deer to terrorize my garden.?Speaking of deer, one of my old customers mentioned today that they're now getting up on her deck and eating her flowers, so what the rabbits don't get eaten on the ground, the deer get what's higher. As far as I'm concerned, our State has got to be doing something more radical about getting seven-eighth's of the number of animals in those herds culled, and only because of how quickly they multiply.

By the time I had that fencing piled where I wanted it, it was approaching the hour for me to grab my camera and head over to the parade. Of course I knew I was going to have to walk a distance since everyone was taking every available parking space along the route, I made sure to get parked at least a half hour before it started. I did find a high enough spot where I was far above the crowd so I'd get a better view of what was moving by.

The hour and a half I spent watching and taking random photos as the entire Band Festival Parade went trotting by, I walked away feeling a bit sad, and only because of how the music and performances have become noticeably weak in comparison to what I remember from 20+ years ago. The flashy uniforms, the well-learned music and the regimentation were no more. What I would've considered to be practice uniforms, were what was likely affordable from the slashed budgets of school districts. Of course I come from the tribe where if you don't do your absolute best, then it's not to be done at all until an acceptable level of perfection has been attained. In my circle from many years ago, there were never prizes given for simply participating. Oh darn, I keep forgetting we're to work very hard at never hurting anyone's feelings. If you'd like to take a gander at the shots I took, click on tonight's photo which will start your slide-show.

Having noticed several people out of my past who were standing curbside, I made sure to catch them before they headed back to their vehicles. One of them I hadn't seen for at least 25 years, so I had to tease him un-mercilessly. I was glad to hear all's been well with him since he moved to the Des Moines area so very many years ago. The reason he caught my eye, was because I noticed his daughter whom I bump into from time to time.

I'm sure all those young ones who were there grabbing all the candy they could that was being thrown at them, are now having sugar-overloads. I still can't get my brain wrapped around as to why they started throwing candy at the crowd because they never did that when I was young. Can you imagine what the streets and curbsides looked like after it was all over? Let's hope the street sweepers were out shortly thereafter.

Since everyone was making a mad dash to their vehicles, I decided to take a different route back to my car which was parked on River Heights Drive, and that being my round-about thru Rock Glen and then across the Willow Creek Footbridge. Before I was even halfway across, I spotted a couple whom I'd not seen for months, so I stopped and had a very good chat with them. Without a doubt, that fortuitous crossing of paths ended up being the absolute highlight of my day.

I couldn't help making comments about how our Band Festival's standards have dropped, and then all three of us agreeing that the biggest problem is getting our young ones away from their smart phone screens, and busy themselves with something more fulfilling. Like I've said many times, the creativity of the masses is rapidly diminishing, and all because the internet does it all for us. I even mentioned how at times I would get so angry at my computer while typing something where it fills-in what it "thinks" I want. Sometimes I do a complete re-wording, just to show "it" I can say what I want to say in a different fashion and still convey the same message. I would've liked to linger a little longer with them, but I had to skedaddle off to a showing I had scheduled over at my new listing. Gosh it was good to see them.

One of the last topics we laughed about, was one of them saying, "You know Joe, everyone's a voyeur to some degree." Wow! That was a line most would back away from because you'd normally have to be careful so not to give any sort of impression of being one. What I should've answered was, "Now how can I be considered a voyeur if I just so happen to be walking down a darkened street and notice someone undressing in the window?" I'm sure his response would've been, "Well let's think about this for a moment. So if you just happened to glance and quickly look away, you may be forgiven, but if you lingered and looked even a moment or two longer, I'd consider you a voyeur." Yes, I'm sure his answer would've been something similar. Too funny.

Before heading home, I stopped out to Menard's Garden Dept., and then over to Walmart's, just to have a look at what they were offering for sale this season. Unfortunately I didn't see one plant that screamed "Buy me!".

Tonight's One-liner is: Your very flesh shall be a great poem.

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