“Enthusiasm is common. Endurance is rare.”
With the first full weeks training of 2021 about to kick off, many people will be getting geared up to make 2021 their fittest yet.
Our advice. Make sure you focus on the endurance aspect...
It’s well known how a high percentage of people who start their fitness regime quit within a relatively short period. They have all the enthusiasm to get going but don’t play the long game.
Give yourself the best chance possible of having long term endurance by following the tips below:
1. Know your Why: what would getting fitter, healthier and stronger mean to you. How would it improve your confidence, help you interact and even inspire the important people in your life and make you more effective at work? There are far more reasons to get in shape than just looking good on the beach. Taking the time to figure them out for you is a massive first step to an effective long term fitness program.
2. Take your time: Don’t force the process. Work on one or two habits at a time to give yourself the best chance possible of making them stick. Great books to read about habits are “Atomic Habits” by @jamesclear or “The Power of Habit” by @charlesduhigg
3. Get help: Whether it’s in the shape of a training buddy, fitness class, PT or someone to help keep you accountable. The benefit of having someone there with you while you work on your health and fitness cannot be overstated.
4: Fall in love with the process: Once you have point one in check this becomes easier as you know every healthy meal/workout/rep is moving the dial towards the vision you set for yourself. Enjoying and falling in love with the process of making yourself as fit, strong, healthy and energetic will make it far more likely that you’ll stick to it ling term.
Giving you enthusiasm and endurance in the process...