EnterpriseWeb puts the 'AI' in EAI
Value-chains are becoming increasingly complex orchestrations across multiple silos, partners, technologies and standards. To succeed, organizations must master this dynamic, distributed and diverse operating reality and become agile digital businesses.
The roadblock to seamless end-to-end automation of development and operations (DevOps) is manual integration. While APIs create marketplaces of capabilities and information sources for composing modular solutions, working with APIs requires time-consuming and expensive manual integration of every endpoint. As a result the number of APIs grows and, as the rate of change increases, the integration effort explodes.
Distributed Computing is a ‘Wicked Problem’
Today, every software application is a composite of re-usable building blocks, APIs and Services, shared by business units, partners and public websites. The challenge is to connect endpoints for meaningful behavior without resorting to static, non-responsive and brittle developments methods, which simply won’t scale for today’s demands.
EnterpriseWeb? is an application fabric that flexibly connects processes to people, capabilities and data sources to enable dynamically composable enterprises.
EnterpriseWeb puts the ‘AI’ in EAI
Instead of relying on human intervention, EnterpriseWeb replaces the man-in-the-middle (human effort) with SmartAlex?, an intelligent software agent that performs all connection, transformation and integration tasks in real-time. This approach helps organizations bring integration costs under control, while enabling a new-class of dynamic, data-driven and highly-connected applications.
The agent performs diverse workloads, taking on the tasks typically delivered by an unwieldy stack of middleware components (e.g. App Servers; ESBs; BPMS/BPEL; BRMS; CEP; NoSQL DBs; Data Virtualization; Integration Tools; Scripting Tools; API management; Service Catalogs; Gateways; etc.). In this way, EnterpriseWeb also represents an opportunity to rationalize application infrastructure and reduce Capital and Operating Expenses.
Reduce transaction costs: The fabric minimizes the hops, joins and context switching between non-differentiating middleware components, which liberates cycles for more I/O and compute intensive applications.
Reduce systems costs: The platform reduces the need for non-differentiating middleware components, which results in a smaller footprint, lower hardware and software costs, minimizes system integration, accelerates time-to-value and cuts ongoing maintenance costs.
Importantly, it performs all of this without becoming a bloated monolith. Instead of manually encoding SOA logic in an Enterprise Service Bus, which creates choke-points and single points of failure, EnterpriseWeb stores all computational logic as Objects in libraries, which can be both clustered or distributed.
Originally posted as a Guest Blog on Robin Bloor's Inside Analysis here relating to a webinar in the 'Briefing Room'. Replay is available here