Enterprise Week to help build resilience and drive innovation
Business Support Derry Strabane
SME Business Support for Derry City & Strabane District area Works in collaboration with Invest DS to attract investment
Enterprise Week makes a welcome return in March, and as local businesses look ahead to brighter times, the 2022 programme has a strong focus on the opportunities that lie ahead and the innovations to aid positive growth and development.
The programme, which this year runs from Monday 7th – Friday 11th March, marks the tenth anniversary of the event, which has become a major highlight in the annual business calendar. Enterprise Week 2022 was launched Thursday 09th by Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, Alderman Graham Warke, who encouraged local entrepreneurs to take the opportunity to harness new technologies to strengthen their business.
"This has been an extremely challenging time for local businesses, and thankfully we are really beginning to see a turnaround as restrictions ease. While the recovery has begun, many are seeking new solutions to help build resilience and fast track that process," he stressed. "Enterprise Week provides a wealth of resources for local businesses, whatever stage they are at on their journey, to help progress development and tap into new markets.
"Council's Business Development team have been working closely with the businesses community throughout the health crisis and much thought has gone into delivering a programme for Enterprise Week that will offer pragmatic and targeted support to bring about positive change. I would really encourage any local entrepreneur seeking advice to check out the programme and how it can assist them in reaching their next business goal."
The diverse programme will be delivered in a hybrid format this year but with more opportunities for face to face events, with a combination of in person and online workshops and information sessions, making it more accessible to everyone. It touches on a broad spectrum of priority areas for local business, including marketing, digital technology, and post-pandemic innovation and growth.
There will also be some fascinating insights into how businesses can avoid the issue of burn out, focus more on empowerment and how the principles of neuroscience can be utilised to unlock creativity. The events will also provide a fantastic opportunity to connect directly with experienced business professionals, and to share learnings and ideas with other local entrepreneurs.
Looking ahead to the event, Head of Business with Council, Kevin O'Connor said: "I am delighted that we have more opportunities this year for face to face sessions, and that we can focus on a more positive outlook for the year ahead. I think the past two years have taught us all the importance of flexibility and equipping ourselves with the right tools to adapt and prepare for changing circumstances. We want to support local entrepreneurs in building resilience and finding new and innovative ways to drive their business forwards despite the challenges.
"This is a key time for the local economy, and Enterprise Week offers the chance for the business community to come together to reflect on how we can collectively work to build a stronger and more robust economy and a bright future for local business."
For more information on the full week of events and to sign up, go to Derry City & Strabane Enterprise week 2022