Enterprise Risk Management Framework for BFSI
A Next-Gen technology company specializing in business transformation in the BFSI Sector and an IDBI Bank Group Company.
The Regulators have mandated for a proactive and calibrated approach towards robust risk management efforts by banks. Banks are confronted with various kinds of financial and non-financial risks which are closely co-related and have ramifications on each other across different categories of risk. They attach significant importance to improving the ability to identify, measure, monitor and control risks across a broad spectrum of categories.
Enterprise Risk Management manages overall risks of banks in aggregate rather than independently. It not only deals with problems to be mitigated but it is a potential source of value creation. The risk management function covers : i) organisational set up for Risk Management with procedures, controls and risk reporting structures ii) comprehensive risk measurement approach – risk metrics with KRAs & KPIs iii) policies consistent with the broader business strategies, risk appetite and operational matters iv) strong consistent reporting, monitoring and controlling risks; v) periodical review and evaluation.
IDBI Intech’s comprehensive solution (i-ERM) uses a variety of tools and metrics to help you stay proactive when it comes to formulating a Risk Management Framework. It is A digital system with all the decision support modules to handle risk identification, measurement, analysis and reporting and powered by built-in analytics enhancing the organisations short and long term value to its stakeholders.