Enterprise Resource Planning
Bernhard von Spreckelsen
ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning → Converting Concepts into Advanced Solutions
The loss of highly skilled ERP experts since the year 2000 (Y2K conversion) resulted in specialisation into niches of expertise (neglecting the 7 Ss Model of McKinsey). One-sided decisions often lead to sub-optimal results.?The implementation boom of ERP Systems during the 1990th created highly skilled local champions with an exceptional holistic application-knowledge of their industry, many are retired; their skill is still hidden in the black box → AS/400. ?The control of their designed workflows resides within the ERP configuration. Industry-specific information is reflected in the Master-Data Templates. However, few companies have documented it in an easy-to-understand way.
Since 2010th ERP Systems move into the Cloud, into a centralized location reached via the Web. The Web is the name for the World Wide Web, one part of the Internet consisting of customized screen/panel Formats - the user-interface - ?(→ pages), the access via a Web browser. The second part is the linkage to its centralized Application Server for information processing. In many cases the First Choice Server is still the AS400. There are more modern computers (platforms / software) than AS400/iSeries, but it still works exquisitely well with most business requirements.
The technical- and the functional- side has moved, the skill (industry knowledge) still resides with its experts (champions).
What is industry knowledge?
Industry knowledge is information on how a particular company or business functions. It includes core processes, equipment and its products and services. This information goes beyond academic content. Gaining such skill is always ongoing, especially in industries where technology play a crucial role.
The Executive Overview transmit vital understanding of key application models (workflows) related to industries, including shared applications (basic functionality). This becomes easier by using a visual language with pictures, graphics, and charts etc., shown as a map of information flows and its dependencies. The migration in manufacturing from mainly manual to semi- or fully- automated has not only simplified the process but also changed its costing model; it automates equipment changeovers by eliminating manual adjustments through flow integration with the help of advanced technologies. This is captured via diagrams and charts.
Economics (Micro-, National- and Macro-) ?→ are covered by : Globalisation, Humane Resources → ?with Social Aspects (peoples` ways of thinking, their abilities, behaviour & strategies in the working place), Information and Communication Technologies as well as Management, Planning, Operations (Design, Production and Trading - assisted by Supply Chain Management -), Financials, Banking (Currencies), Engineering, Education etc, etc, etc. Latest trend - forced by Covid-19 - promotes the remote working environment and improved collaboration (i.e., MS Teams).
How to integrate all areas in an easy way of understanding is demonstrated. The sequence has been determined by personal experience split into an introduction and 14 specialised sections (above picture).?It passes on basic understanding to enable users to extend their knowledge with help of the internet (Wikipedia, YouTube i.e.). Most of the knowledge is freely available if you got the foundation, like the Executive Overview combined with practice.
Below the message from the Press
Current tuition - it suggests - should put more emphasis on operational- and financial- → know-why and know-how. Advanced factories are using a symbiosis of technical skills with robotics; it enables high-quality, low-cost products, the so-called “Collaborative Technologies”.
The Curriculum at High-Schools could offer - as “Non-Compulsory Subject” - Higher Vocational Education in English (as the Secondary Corporate Language), to give school leavers a flying start into their professional life.?