Enterprise Project Management software And Orangescrum

Enterprise Project Management software And Orangescrum

The biggest challenge to getting the project done on time, on budget and wowing the client on a single thread, a project manager knows how difficult it is.

Even in the best firms, project management can be a largely unformed subject, held up by uncertain aspirations, bowing from the conversation that goes bottom-up and/or less than ideal guidance - and that’s if you’re lucky! 

If you have stretched over the word “Enterprise Project Management (EPM)” before then you may wonder whether it is something that changes your company's work process. 

The fact is that many different models of business can profit from doing this correctly. 

So what is it all about and how can you make the most of this method? 

What is Enterprise Project Management?  

Let’s start with an example. 

Some of the companies, which are growing or already formed as large-sized organizations, are having the risk of teams working independently from each other. 

Sometimes they try to resolve the same issue in the same way or they took a completely different approach from each other. 

And another risk is the team is not holding the company’s main objective or mission in their art of work. 

Many times it seems the projects deal with the matters in a sensible way but without considering the firm’s approach or the way other projects are implying. 

Considering all these risk factors, Enterprise Project Management methodology is the way where it brings all projects under one umbrella and makes them run all smoothly. 

Once it is configured at our business workplace, it ensures no repeated work or effort is given and interacts with others without any hassle and overlap. 

So, it gives a uniform approach with other advantages including lowered delivery risks and a reduced impact of skills deficiency. 

We should also sail in mind the value of training project managers practicing this model. 

The portfolio program is also regularly used in EPM now. This involves estimating the worth of each new potential project and determining which ones to hold in the portfolio of upcoming work. 

How to build an effective approach? 

Recently I had released one article regarding how we can build an effective enterprise project management approach

Anyway, starting to implement an EPM culture in an enterprise leveled business may be a huge task. After all, it would take the place of traditional project management methodology. 

Also, the implementing process could bring a few (maybe) risks of transitional errors. However, it should not have to be that serious painful process.  

Considering the company’s strategy, objective and values would perhaps be the best starting point. 

The best practice guidelines and the governance also need to be put in place together. Same way, it is important to get senior management approval for these changes. 

They need to commit to it and take an active interest in the projects. 

Who will be managing on your EPM? The perfect starting point is with your most qualified project team members. 

They can help set up the method and will then perform an essential function in managing the projects and the portfolio. 

Things to consider while adopting EPM 

There are a few important issues that usually crop up when a company tries to adopt a piece of software across the whole organization. 

The first sticking point could be with how easy it is to learn. Remember that there is likely to be a broad range of skill levels across the business.  

Not everyone will be equally comfortable getting to grips with new tools. Another potential issue comes in the shape of people using the same tools in different ways. 

It can cause mixing and doubts between the rests of the team. 

Someone who is used to working a specific way may try to bring on the same strain even when it no longer meets the company’s policy anymore. 

Thankfully, these concerns can be defeated if you use the right kind of software. For example, Orangescrum is an online task management tool that suits the needs of businesses that are moving over to EPM. 

This software is open-source and is smoothly integrated with any enterprise-level workplace. It is very easy for people across the business to get started with it. 

An instinctive interface that is similar to the Google suite of tools makes it more easier to pick up quickly.

Main Article Source: Orangescrum Enterprise Article.


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