Enterprise Mobility service is a solution for organizations to enable their employees to use mobile devices securely
Tarun Nagar
CEO at Dev Technosys | Mobile App Development | Website Development | Software Deveopment | Blockchain Development
If you are among the people who start their workday way before stepping into their office and start their computer, then you may know about enterprise mobility services. Most of the people get their business emails on their phones and begin messaging their co-workers as they commute.
Recent research found that employees with smartphones often chose them personally without any sort of corporate guidance. Another research suggested that most of the employees regularly utilize unapproved SaaS applications at work developed by app development services.
Hence, BYOD or Bring Your Own Device isn’t a trend but a reality. Essentially the boundary between mobile and workstation has become fuzzy, and the question is no longer if we adopt enterprise mobility, but how actually we do it. Basically, enterprise mobility is quite efficient.
Having instant mobile access to different operational levers is certainly great for the employees as well as the organization. In case you run multiple distributed locations where employees require to operate a unified management software, in that case, opting for mobile can be quite rewarding.
Also, if you handle all those devices or allow employees to use their own, then you should acknowledge that humans are essentially the weakest link in any particular data security structure. Often, people lose their smartphones, install harmful software, also copy information, and paste it irresponsibly or allow others to access it. So, this problem is certainly worth considering, especially by Android app development services.
So, the questions arise, such as how do you control access to the company’s sensitive data, how to ensure that employees won’t actually share this data irresponsibly and how to manage the utilization of mobile devices without actually invading privacy employee? For this, you need to consider the following:
1. Balancing user accessibility
Essentially the easiest way to have the effective enterprise mobility strategy fail is to overregulate the entire access to corporate resources. In case the employees have to take convoluted and multiple steps just to actually log in, it is quite possible that they will be using the app only in case of any urgency. They may also download some third-party applications with similar features as well as better accessibility.
Hence, consider ease of use, along with the look and feel of the software, as well as its performance, all of which foster adoption.
2. Choosing wisely between BYOD and different corporate devices
Basically, BYOD is quite great in terms of reducing overall investments in corporate hardware. Also, the diversity of tablets, smartphones, laptops, as well as their operating systems, update various challenges the ability of the IT department to keep current with different software adjustments across different end-points.
3. Tailoring data protection measures to operation needs
It is essential to know that access to data differs and even corresponds with how the employees engage the app. In case the mobility aims at tracking activities or even inputting data to be processed further, access to records can be partially or completely closed. In case some data access is needed, consider multi-level protection.
Types of Enterprise Mobility Solutions
Basically, the overall number of employees who actually run enterprise mobility apps and often work with sensitive corporate data on their personal devices grows. Hence, in this regard, enterprise mobility solutions need to address different data as well as infrastructure usage scenarios. Whenever used together or in different combinations with each other, the enterprise mobility solutions often provide safety to complete corporate data as well as a comfortable and safe work environment for the employees. There are several types of such solutions. Let’s discuss some of the vital ones in detail.
Read the blog- Tips to Enhance Enterprise App Development Process
1. Identity management
Such solutions address the problem of various employees utilizing popular SaaS apps. Rather than requiring workers to utilize different names as well as passwords in order to access different apps, identity management allows employees to have just a single name and password to utilize different apps. Some of the major functionalities to consider are:
a. Single sign-in for all of the apps.
b. Seamless support for applications by the organization
c. Streamlined Group access management allows managers to assign app access to employee groups without actually enumerating any particular user.
d. Multi-factor authentication which supports different additional levels of verification.
e. Remote access any on-premise software
2. Device and Mobile Application Management
Such solutions are built around the notion of both device as well as application management for corporate employees. Basically, they offer dashboards along with management environments to easily track as well as remote control devices and applications across all of the major platforms such as iOS, Android, and Windows. Generally, the functionality of these products can easily be divided into two, particularly general task groups such as device and application management. Consider mobile app development cost before proceeding with before developing such apps.
3. Virtualized access to data and apps through Virtual Desktop Infrastructure or VDI
Essentially, virtualized access to data and apps whenever applied to mobile use cases provide employees with the opportunity to easily access different enterprise apps remotely and reducing infrastructure maintenance expense of the company. Even though virtualization through containers or hypervisors, as well as virtual desktop infrastructure or VDI, basically allows the organizations to solve different management and security problems, there is significantly different in the entire data storage approach.
Also, VDI often entails running as well as managing a desktop operating system in a particular data center rather than a local computer client or any mobile device. Also, the desktop image is duly delivering on-demand through a remote display protocol, whereas corporate information is stored securely in a given data center.
Also, companies may even choose between persistent as well as non-persistent approaches to VDI. Basically, the former is about offering a worker with a personal desktop image that can be easily configured as per their requirements. In the case of the latter, it entails visualized desktops for public utilization within the organization. Such desktops return to their own original state after the user essentially logs out. Mobile app developers USA can be hired for developing such a system.
Enterprise mobility service has become a trend among the organizations which wish to allow the employees to use their data securely. Basically, the general recommendation is to start small and then consider such software before you decide to hand devices to the employees or upload apps to their smartphones. Furthermore, you can gradually scale to different additional levels of security and advanced threat analytics.