Enterprise Architecture. What it is?

Enterprise Architecture. What it is?

Enterprise Architecture.?What it is??

You may have heard of it, but never seen it in action.?

Perhaps now you've stumbled into an opportunity.?Turns out your next project requires you?to interact with an architect.?Or maybe you're looking to become one yourself.?

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Outside view of unknown things

Now what??Well that's where I can help.?My name is Sudhakar Jha , and I'm?an Enterprise Architect.?With this series of blogs, I want to introduce you?to Enterprise Architecture and the benefits?it provides companies, business people,?architects, and developers.?

I'll also dive into different architectural roles.?And where your skillset and experience might fit in.?You'll also get a chance to look at a few frameworks?and methodologies for practicing Enterprise Architecture.?

So, whether you're here to learn about?how to work with EA, or how to join an EA team,?I've got plenty of information to share with you.?

Stay tuned for the next post.

Meanwhile, join the fastest-growing community of enterprise architects here


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