Enterprise Architecture : Starting with a step back

Enterprise Architecture : Starting with a step back

Really enjoyed recrEAtion by Chris Potts.

It has hit me that enterprises would benefit from the ability and understanding described; of how stepping back can really benefit them.

I'd like to use the Sydney Opera House to demonstrate the theory. If you start too close you lose a sense of the architecture and how it combines to the wider environment.

You stand up close to the Opera House you'll see ceramic tiles, sheet glass and paving.  It is only when you take a step back do you appreciate its shape and surroundings; Circular Quay, the bridge, the sea to the open Ocean.

It is only when you have this appreciation should you take that step closer... for now you have the context to really understand.

It would be very hard to see the architecture of the Opera house from the outside-in.  The arches, supporting structures etc would present a suitable representation.  

So to apply this principle, so why is there the desire to drive directly at the details, normally IT and process; rather than understanding the enterprise at a overall level?

It is my opinion that we can only have sensible conversations at the detailed level once the overall market position of an enterprises and its direction has been clearly understood and articulated.

This market position should consider

  • how the enterprise appears to the customer and the type of interactions that occurs
  • The products and services you design, create and provide

Once the Enterprise has grasped this understanding, it is possible to Architect its internals (I.e. IT and Process) to support and improve this position.

This is the role of an Enterprise Architect and the application of its many frameworks. 

Well that's my thought anyway....

Thanks for reading... 


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