Enteric Capsules to Improve Edible Efficacy

Enteric Capsules to Improve Edible Efficacy

Do cannabis edibles not work for you or are they too unpredictable? Even if they work, are you wasting your money? Enteric capsules may improve the efficacy of your cannabinoid medicine and save you money.


Many people complain that cannabis edibles are too frustrating to use, and some people don’t feel any effects at all. There are several factors that are involved with the potency and efficacy of cannabis edibles, including what the consumer eats, how much they eat, and when they eat. But the truth is, the bio-availability (the amount of the desirable compound that makes it into the bloodstream and eventually the blood brain barrier) of orally ingested cannabis (edibles) is between 4%-12% for THC and about 6% for CBD (https://www.thepermanentejournal.org/issues/2021/winter/7550-mechanisms-of-action-and-pharmacokinetics-of-cannabis.html). Even inhaled cannabis has a low bio-availability of 10%-35% for THC and 11%-45% for CBD.

When we orally ingest THC, it goes first through the stomach where acids can destroy a lot of the molecule. Typically, the molecule sits in the stomach for about 45 minutes before it moves to the small intestines. In the small intestines, enzymes from the liver will further break down the molecule into active (will influence the body) and inactive metabolites (do not influence the body and are excreted). The liver then further processes the Delta-9 THC into the metabolite 11-hydroxy THC.

All of this “breaking down” of the THC molecule reduces its potency and effectiveness. 11-Hydroxy THC is said to be 4 times more potent than Delta-9 THC, however, through these processes it is much less bio-available. What you eat, how much, and when you eat in relation to ingesting the edibles will have a great effect on the bio-availability of the THC. Each person’s liver and its enzymatic system (CYP450 is the enzymatic system responsible for metabolizing cannabinoids) will process THC differently.

To help standardize oral cannabis medicine, using enteric capsules (https://www.amazon.com/PurecapsUSA-Vegetarian-Resistant-Preservative-Ingredients/dp/B091MHK3WM/ref=sr_1_13?crid=YJ0B1JIJUP5Z&keywords=enteric+capsules&qid=1650301481&sprefix=enteric+capsules%2Caps%2C126&sr=8-13) may improve each person’s experience through consistency. Enteric capsules are designed to help preserve its contents through the stomach, which can prevent the stomach acids from some of the degradation of THC. When the enteric capsule hits the more alkaline (relatively) small intestine, it is designed to dissolve in this environment and release its contents.

By filling enteric capsules with activated THC (heated cannabis that has been converted from the raw THCA form to the decarboxylated Delta-9 THC) in the form of Rick Simpson Oil, cannabutter, chopped up gummies/chocolates, etc. can improve the bio-availability/potency and give a more consistent experience while also saving some money. With this new method, it is best to start with lower doses of THC until the effects can be better predicted and work your way to the optimal therapeutic dose.


