Entangling with Fourth Person

Entangling with Fourth Person

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The Sabian Symbol for the new moon in Virgo (Virgin birth) eclipsed (doubling up) in 1997 was, "two heads looking out and beyond the shadows". What Dave had anticipated following the course of the 1990's - OJ/final judge, an invitation to the chymical wedding/Paracelsus, Crucifixion of the King of the Jews Yitzhak/Isaac - was the white woman/moon or Goddess Diana. On that new moon Princess Diana died in l'alma (raise to goddesses) and Mother Teresa died: a perfect symbol of the Dual Mother (birth of twins) Jung speaks of. The Goddess Diana is the twin of Apollo who slew the titan Python which is why the priestess of Delphi was called Pythia. Symbolic of her is the image of a female placing her hand on the serpent or Dragons forehead and reading signs and symbols. Although shocked by the events of 9/11 the new moon saw twin towers collapse forming two key symbols, twins struck by the phoenix (middle east symbol) collapsing; and ground zero. To put MF Doom into perspective the reaper's face is generally hidden (Doom wore a mask), and carries a sickle or harvester and Teresa means "harvester", "to reap". New years Eve where the death of Doom was announced was still under the influence (2 day range) of a sickle moon (Dec 29). Doom died the same day as Sean Connery (Licensed to kill). I'm assuming the next stage in evolution is not here and involuntarily removes us in a "leap". Before Van Halen ("secret chamber") died the Christmas star (Saturn/Jupiter conjunction) was at 3 Aquarius but after was at 0.0 Aquarius and we are considering the possibility that we are heading for a "leap" ("jump"-Van Halen) placing us at fourth person (3.5-4.5). Lady Diana was princess of Wales, a red dragon, Leto, the mother of Diana and Apollo was cursed by Hera (hieros gamos) to be chased by a red dragon and is the very red dragon showing up in revelations (seals). Following the Trojan war the temple of Artemis was sacked and the temple of Venus/Aphrodite repositioned her under the name of Diana on the tiny island of Patmos where it is no coincidence that later on John of Patmos wrote revelations. While OJ would be, "behold a white horse"/white ford bronco, Diana would be the "pale/moon or white rider". This would be reinforced by the fact that he was being protected at the time by the temple of the moon in Patmos. She died in a Mercedes which means "mercy" and was named for his daughter Jellinek meaning horse (seal) power and the emblem for Mercedes is a three pointed star.

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Maier (1568-1622) was the first to jot down the coniunctionus as four stages which we are interpreting as persons; first, second, third, fourth. He went on to have esoteric experiences which Jung references (Mysterium coniunctionis). Maier claimed it was a core mystery much as Dave and Abby are suggesting at this time, since the death of Prince/Michael at the base of an elevator, although Maier's event ended with a dream. He claims to have been asked by a mysterious voice if he could see the time of Doom which he replied "No!". Dorn (1530-1584) meanwhile had taken the concept of the lapis and filius philosophorum derived form Abbe' (Abby) Langlet du Fresnoy and began to forecast that to be the philosopher (Hermes Trismegisus) and philosophers stone that would show up at the time of Doom. These thoughts bled into all the prophecies of alchemy Jung would begin to draw from. Khunrath (1560-1605), considered the greatest thinker of that time, was now focusing on doom as a day of creation. Yates linked Heinrich Khunrath to John Dee and Rosicrucianism (Chymical Wedding) and was used as a pseudonym "Henricus Künraht" for the publication of the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus of Baruch Spinoza, considered by many the greatest philosopher of all time (Einstein and Rembrandt agreed). Though noted for ethics the school of thought he opened was "freewill". Spinoza was in hiding from the inquisition at the time and used the pseudonym so as not to be captured and burnt. Education was at the beginning of killing off the development of Philosopher for egotistical (teacher/professor) reasons (more money/power) just as it had devastated the older level of development, temple (protect the innocent) a thousand years earlier. Khunrath said "Out of the gross and impure "One" (I take as first person) there comes a pure and subtle One (Jung interprets as archetype). Soul and Spirit must be separated for body and this is equivalent to three and then death." He then quotes Philemon 1.23 in original Latin text, "Cupio dissolvi, et esse cum Christio" which Jung (P&A p125) translates to mean "having a desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ". In the next sentence Jung suggests Khunrath is talking directly to the philosopher meant to show up in the end. "Therefore, my dear philosopher, must thou catch the Spirit and Soul of the Magnesia". Khunrath called "magnesia" ... "the arcane' or 'transformative substance" or simply "the materia" which he also referred to as Lapidus/feminine Philosoporum. He says the "Spirit and Soul is the ternarius or number three must be first separated from its body (death) , and after a purifaction of the latter (likely meaning particle or mass) infused back into a new form" which Jung says "evidently this body is the fourth (we interpret as fourth person)". I am suggesting the body at fourth person is without mass. Three refers to the final philosopher as well (Hermes Trismegistus) where Trismegistus means mastering (magi/magistrate) at three (tri). Hermes simply means marking distance with stones. As a side note I would mention the rabbinic outside the bible mentions Abigail as the wind that led Moses across the Reed sea making sense of the first miracle of Christ at Cana ("reed"), a dream and mother of Esther ("star"), the wife of David ("star of David"), and now, with Abbe' (Abby) Langlet du Fresnoy, linked to the filius philososphorum (son of the philosophers) as the lapis philosophorum or philosopher's stone. We are assuming this mysterious Abby ("temple") is non other than the recessive X allele in evolution and has arrived at a pinnacle moment in this entire evolution/creation to perform one final miracle; in this extinction we all find ourselves at the banks of the red sea and the phoenix now ambushed in Persia (Iran) flies off to Egypt to burst into flames (transformation). What the alchemist's were doing is exploring the nature of potential and actual in terms difficult to understand and I would point out that Isaac Newton was an alchemist as well. He was simplifying their concepts and placing them into context for modern man to understand (laws of physics).

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Theoretically, at fourth person, we do not mark depth with particle dimension but with developmental levels leaving particle without mass (0.0) but infused with being which when called the original complex by David in 1982-83 led to two outcomes. David began having unprecedented volumes of visions, dreams, and out of body experiences involving, amongst other things, gods and angels: and as he could not get his children's books published as a male began to use female pseudonyms and models with success on several occasions. Which now takes us back to Khunrath (shown in diagram) who goes on with "the materia" or lapidus philosophorum and questions the female with the filius philosophorum wondering whom she is as the philosopher appears both sexes (Mercurius/twins) like Hermes (hermophrotic). Jung then goes on in Mysterium coniunctionis to quote the alchemists prophecy that the philosopher will be uni-testicle making also reference to the Unicorn held in earliest form to be a Virgo and master philosopher. The unicorn is tamed by a virgin which Jung said meant projecting a female archetype. Ironically David who is a Virgo had a vasectomy and while one testicle was completed the second was found to be inoperable and could not be completed: essentially a half vasectomy. He also projects the anima, the female archetype. In following along to Maier's concept of doom Khunrath said that in his time there was a light in the dark but had gone out. Jung having a daydream of a light being held up in the dark inspired him to come out of retirement and write his final book called Mysterium coniunctionis essentially all about the lapis and filius philosophorum at the time of doom. Though Jung never mentions extinction, he sees a strange madness gripping our current generation called one-sidedness and mass insanity hi-lighted by man's defining of sanity as wealth and comfort (result of an insane education). In Alchemical studies he suggests one is better off becoming a proper observer over becoming highly educated: this likely stems from his meetings with Einstein at the time working on causality and special relativity with Pali.

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David flew to Ontario to live with Pete as Pete's wife Janet was dying. On the first night Pete took him to meet Shauna, a Dolores (virgin Mary sorrows) O'Riordan cover singer where we found in the announcement of her death later on played a significant role. Dolores died on Janet's birthday, had the cause (causality) announced on Dave's and in between all that Hawking died on Shauna's birthday. In that initial encounter with Shauna (God is gracious) Dave fell to his knees and said this room is all about Solomon: a stranger helped him up noting a strange coincidence that he had been given a secret word, "Solomon" that morning in Church. Dave said there is a voice inside calling herself Sophia and giving a prophecy. She said that she had killed the prince of light (Michael) at the base if a ladder and that she had taken the keys to creation. There would be confirmation within three days and on the second day the artist "formerly known as" Prince was found dead at the base of an elevator. Dave's doctor suggested a brain scan for a tumor just to be safe and the appointment was made some 8 months away and for Christmas day (further confirmation) which obviously never transpired. On Christmas day Sophia had said this is the last time Dave would hear her voice. She said she needed him to create a female character and transfer three keys to the USA. Dave asked who would answer? She responded with a question concerning who has a vision of God. Dave replied "Paul". So Dave looked up a female name and took the first alphabetically, Abby. Abby posted that she was sending three keys to the states. The only one to respond was Bertram (Crow) Paul. He said he was traveling but stopped to watch a field of crows. Three would fly in and three fly out. He said he could accept the father but not mother and child. The next day Debbie (real name Mary) Reynolds and daughter Carry Fisher (fisher of man) died. Later, on the Great American eclipse, Jerry Lewis (Joseph Jerome Levitch) died where Jerome means Heiros gamos (chymical wedding) and Levitch in feminine is Leah/Leia-Fisher's role. We new immediately that Prince Harry (Diana's son) would be married the following May 19th (exaltation in May-Paracelsus) and was. He was considered the worlds most eligible bachelor at the time. Hiros Gamos is the wedding dress of the goddesses and I believe the symbols (instincts) are suggesting that without a balance at third person - "he is/she is" - that fourth person (tetragrammaton) has "us" (plurality) removed. Before that event Dave and Pete were on the deck at Dave's farm and were marking midpoints and determining levels of development; i.e 0.5-1.5 is temple (Solomon). Dave asked out loud, "that which gives confirmation I'm in the wrong universe here, are you variable and me constant or me constant and you variable?" Within 5 to 10 minutes Pete stood up and said "I'm to tall". Dave measured him at 6'5, he's normally 5'11. An hour later and five provinces away Dave's son called and said, "my two cats are too big". The cats went back to normal after about an hour but Pete fluctuated in height for the better part of two months. This is when Abby (anima/recessive X allele) became fixed at first person as Dave understood this to mean that he was variable and could now ascend through persons and began too. As temple was the development lost, a temple (Abby/matriarch) rose up out of the sea (unconscious) to place the philosopher into the correct position to estimate and mark the actual midpoints in our natural developments. The unconscious (instinct), feminine in males (Y) cannot wander passed 0.5 leaving the proximity of zero (thought-source) but in this case Abby ascended to first person and Dave ascended up in person as well which would account for all the angels and spirits being experienced. This we relate to the two light cones in Einstein's concept of causality and the two cones we began to relate too as the "twin towers". We are all, in fact all life ("we"), are likely going to have a similar experience (laws of physics) and at that time it should be a situation of matter to non-matter in an evolutionary event (which is why Lucy showed up at the cedar house). Let's look broadly at what Jung (alchemy) says for the end. We should see Abraham sacrifice Isaac/Yitzhak and Yitzhak Rabin, the king of the Jews (prime minister). was assassinated by a man who's name means father as does Rabin (papa). Isaac had a twin Esau and Isaac was also the father of Israel named Jacob; ladder, 12 tribes. These are all symbols derived from Mesopotamian culture where the main religion in Babylon centered on astrology. Jung then said the twelve tribes must wander into a cave to retrieve the stone of Bethel (Daughter of Jacob). Twelve boys and a female coach in Thailand wandered into a cave, became trapped and were rescued by seals (revelations). The prophecy goes that Jacob (means Kobe) would die ascending his ladder (helicopter) holding up the stone of Bethel (his daughter). At that point (MC 399-424 Jung) we should see a leap year, a pro quid quo (Trump impeachment), and a phoenix (plane) ambushed (shot down) in Persia (Iran). In Alchemical Studies Jung says straight out that the phoenix is likely a modern jet plane. That is followed by Cronus, an oriental virus (Cronos eating the children) which places us in Passover. Following Passover is exodus. We are assuming here Jung meant virus as he points to an oriental flower being the cure to Cronus. We are being marked by eclipses which means "leaving". Our evolution has taken us beyond 3.5 or into fourth person and which also means we cannot be contained in an expanding universe if Einstein is correct with relativity and an observer back at first person. When MF Doom had his death announced in the countdown new years eve (sickle moon) we new he was a key symbol (Reaper) as we approach that day as ascribed to by Jung and Khunrath as a countdown to an act of creation. The fact that Doom died the same day as Connery (License to kill) is astounding. The Great Mesopotamian conjunction (Christmas star) striking 0.0 Aquarius Dec 21st marked a 2000 year cycle. We face what has been called "Judgement" and Dooms name is Daniel (Judgement) Dumile (2000). We are moments from a "leap" and notice Jung said all this would be seen in a leap year and was. Yet we have been taught to ignore symbols and instinct (thought-source). We lost track of what life is all about and quite frankly there is not a career or amount of money one could offer me to change anything I've experienced in this lifetime, ... Dave and Abby


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