Entanglement: light, below light

Entanglement: light, below light

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With the observer (pre-knowing) being so important to relativity one would want to track from where the observer extends back toward an origin: where an observer either begins or ends should be marking a midpoint where somethingness 0.49 ends and nothingness (ignorance) 0.49 begins. That is why MF Doom being 49 was likely highly important. The timing of his death was likely being used by instinct in estimating a midpoint (0.5) jammed between the two 0.49's (somethingness/Aristotle and nothingness/Sartre). The observer would be subconscious in relationship to the thinker. The observer is supported by temple called past light cone and it is being projected down into the earth just as is seen when looking down. In psychological terms temple in its lowest crucified form is struggling to survive in temporal. We are not permitting it in eternal (always/forever). The laws of physics must be permitting of entanglement or life would not permit there to be physical mass or such a struggle. Transference is taking place in the deepest recesses called original complex and performed without any trace of observer which appears in nature called entanglement as defined by Einstein and still baffles the modern physicist. What you are seeing there is a psychological process at the lowest form of observer, not the final act of a laws of physics, otherwise one would not be seeing (observer) there at all. A false zero, the one behind this creation, can't possibly make that connection; hence Jung's Mysterium coniunctionis. A real zero laid out ahead where that psychological fact has been acknowledged places a real 0.0 ahead of us (likely fourth person) as thought must now develop (school of thought) to catch up (progress) to it. This involves time. The Pythia new to do this, track the thought through time from beginning to end in order to be real: prioritizing does matter and is essential to being. The past centuries crucified thought source as we lost the high-end female not even knowing who or what she was or even why she might be there. But one philosopher, caught on, kept her alive. Without her gift (recessive), real would not even be possible. She is our base and we hate her (wiser). The higher developments are the only ones wise enough to support the lower developments at all cost; not necessarily the developments that are rising. That is why that cedar house (Yahweh-fourth person) is paramount to mark (star of David). We had to find the philosophy David held to complete life naturally not by extinction. "He" (philosopher) honors "her" (temple). This is why temple (matriarchal) tried to save Socrates and state religions (patriarchal) put him to death for honoring truth. Your state of being is still doing the same thing today. Evolution has nothing to do with time but from that original complex (0.0) that existed eternally in the first place and must extend back out from eternal and into temporal time and time again: until it really (truth) reconnects with eternal (actually). David offers her (theory of recessive allele) freely and the multiplicity reject her (theory of reality) each time and we loop. It appears we will move on soon where the multiplicity becomes immaterial and the singularity immortal. We have left the high end female behind, and she must be found because wisdom always comes last and is the one development that never actually leaves anyone/anything behind. She must be marked, protected by all others at all cost, and never exposed: honor wisdom as the highest development. Don't do that and one curses themselves as has happened here to us: Hades means "sightless" or non-observer. Once Pythia (track wisdom) is lost so to is the whole purpose of tracking wisely and, henceforth so to is lost reality (sane). We attempt to possess the truth, not honor it. Ask yourself: "Am I all-knowing and without ignorance? If I am off the tiniest fraction, which is itself a grand illusion, then I have an original complex and if species arrived I now also have a creation complex unless, of course, I have all the answers (egomaniac). If I do not have the answers (most likely) that is a psychological complex not a solution or foregone conclusion. What does that admit? I have barely a clue and must move on from interpret (Jung) to conjecture (Erdos). He was another one like myself raced here and he had to fall just behind Jung and before I could give freely as it is from Erdos a conjecture of reality can even be made as "made" is both performed and observed (creation) or we are left with a philosophy, known or unknown, supporting that actual is not in anyway connecting to potential (absurd) except perhaps in some form of potential energy being stored up and that already crucifies any or at least most developments the observer must make and what forms "be" or "is" take in relationship too them. The philosopher is raised up by temple and he opens schools of thought for without them "they know not what they do".

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Now education waves it's magical hands in the air and thinks whatever seems logical and economical is proven real/actual, being so far off base that we train wreck here every time perhaps gaining a few impressions further along the way every time. Go back 60 years and we have impressions formed of armed police arriving at a school ready to shoot teachers and parents if schools don't permit little black children in. What the hell were they learning in that school system? This society honors the pedophile and places their victims onto the streets to die off through addictions: why would that moronic behavior conclude that education is absolutely necessary. The only reason school is important now is because we are being blackmailed in order to have jobs. I don't need that crap. You (multiplicity) don't have knowledge of origin so you think it is a thing or object, crucifying subjectivity right from the very start breaching reality and causing a need for X and Y-chromosomes to immediately start forming, thinking that is biased, not observer. Freud likely got the closest with "inferiority complex" because our theories of origin (myths) demonstrate rejection, not a complex creation being accepted: even where a complex "we", not a pious "I", likely unknowingly created all things in the first place. What shape is "we" in when a white officer is squeezing the life out of a black man with his knee? Do I need that education? If I want a job, I suppose, but I'd rather starve to death. There cannot be a physical event such as this universe without an observer in it's lowest developmentally formed basis called nature; not great teacher or savior. Sparks fly from fingertips of education once again waving it's hand saying creation is anything but that, concludes and buries 99% of reality away: the unseen wise woman (Pythia) modern man will always deny is always connected to a Diana symbol. I track Diana (Pythia) then begin immediately searching for the star of David (Great American Eclipse) because it is always the next major event (magi). It, like the star, is Cerulean which is why Abby (temple) always shows up (Moses/reed sea, Esther/star David/Yahweh, Christ/Cana [means "reed"] philosopher/philosopher's stone): Cerulean Kentucky marked the place of greatest eclipse. You track her and become real, or you go back and until you learn how to track, protect, and never expose our thought-source this lesson of nature must be repeated and repeated until achieved (level of development). It is not even a lesson, it is an actual fact being denied and left out for economic gains which are essentially what? Meaningless I would presume. You're education will never get you there ever: it will blackmail and bribe you to work hard long before that, killing off the predators rape victims as they go to look superior. The thought-source is hidden in one as a recessive allele. I am pointing her out right now and only once. If you want to end this now where we can only prevail in the end anyways it is actually possible to do it right now, but David and Abigail can only give away for free and we don't even get one like to these posts which are a thought or theme stemming from multiple impressions and being tracked over time. That is why my mind is still deliberating over OJ tracking to Diana/Teresa and now Teresa (reaper) associating her to MF Doom both marked quite clearly in time. Leaving the peak of that temple behind which raised at least that far for philosophy to have arisen is an astounding thought yet we were already extinct the moment educating arrived (Nero, Caligula, William the Conqueror, Napoleon, Hitler). They are the ones that assisted religion and education come along to teach the conquered masses and. as being unnatural or insane, must be attained and transferred (taught) along. We are in Passover because until we learn how we transfer disease along from one another, we must social distance or not protect one another at all. The only reason we feel an overwhelming need to get these children back into schools is because down below the observer it is linked to pedophilia. Nature would just do (no economy) it. A fish does not require a dollar to be caught (primitive). In order for education to be concluded upon as absolutely necessary educators are making wild assumptions with no scientific basis on what or on where reality (eternal/always) actually "is" or "be". I see compassion and passion in this whole thing, I would definitely not be in any position to conclude whether there is not gods, a god, or a demiurge of any sort. Nothing here has actually been proven to me. That suggests to a rather extreme level of certainty that in origin there is a psychological (observer) complex holding an infinite number of possibilities together, not simply a laws of physics acting independently or alone in all this. It might possibly suggest that our instincts behaving somewhere below the development of observer actually themselves are the laws of physics. One thing we can be fairly certain of is that our senses are there and making impressions and our minds are lost in space. That is likely the most probable conjecture. The answers (theory-not conclusion) are very simple but by not marking development, where they get placed in reasoning now becomes fudgy and fuzzy (biased to wants; one-sided). Hence "be" and "is" become divorced from each other and are the first door between monism and dualism: I'm theorizing also between particle mass and non particle mass. That door is sacred to developing, jump on it, mark it, and remember what you can (natural philosopher) so that it can be retained and added onto. Reading this, you are likely observing one of the Philosopher's producing the greatest theory up to current creation date in evolution; the theory of reality. It is your life-preserver, but it is up to you, not me, to accept it. Protecting is the greatest of all wisdoms, in my opinion, because it risks one's own life for the greater good (Samaritan/Spock) of all. I form a third thing as I track both the thought-source and thought-course by plotting time where the three of us connect. Mesopotamia called this Aeon. This may be our best ever hope, I don't know. The theory of reality is honored with Abby temple/recessive allele because she was the first to develop it, and while David seems her chosen philosopher, the credit must always fall back to temple as X had superior position (recessive) to behaviorally conjecture reality and Y-chromosome sought her out to destroy (not credit). But she can't be destroyed even if one keeps nailing the line of David to the cross each time. Temporal is a condition and does not destroy reality it just places in with potential, not actual. Ever wonder why some tiny unknown tribal ancestor of Abraham back in Mesopotamia got it and became a giant? Like Greece it moved one development at a time. Evolution is the only path possible: it marks infinity (as eternal). Who gunna teach you that in your schools to grasp and hang onto because that is our conjecture to reality: if you can swallow pride, figure out Dave and Abby are a kind of complex being real and very gentle. We are what you get with two balanced alleles: your two alleles are unbalanced causing a genetic and chromosomal effect (wave entangled with mass/below light). Recessive is marking where you should be (real) without inflating and dominant (inflation/relative) is marking where you will falter and go extinct. This is a a highly imbalanced creation and would be leery of any educating here. I would trust nature the whole way to my fullest development, not another's opinion. Causality/Einstein; two light cones and not just any two objects, but particularly those two. The two cones, if we conjecture off Jung and Darwin, are likely your two alleles in genetics. We are most likely moments from an evolutionary event and one that could prove both astounding and highly disturbing (shocking).

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If the collapse of the twin towers is forecasting the collapse of the two light cones of Einstein then what other form other than the star of David might they be falling into? Well, the chromosome theory sounds possible. She (star/recessive allele) called cause and effect won't leave us behind called impossible; highly unlikely, not being supported by anything including the massive volume of symbols we are seeing. If a myth prevails and repeats then it is probably a physics we don't understand; but that "don't understand" also has to be accounted for in the observer and Freud's concept of complexes is our best theory up to this date. The only time one would see life living in matter is when something (never nothing) drops below the speed of light and begins entangling immediately (always/eternal). Beyond that it becomes all sorts of things so mathematically obscure and remote that a Unified theory like Hawking suggested is actually a ridiculous notion as are in many ways the laws of physics themselves as our lack of knowledge suggests a psychological condition right from onset (0.0 mass) called an original complex, not an all-knowing (God) beginning. God is man's greatest excuse for ignorance ever dreamt up and conjectured. Einstein actually proved the laws of physics don't exist under the terms they are being held because he defined relativity falling short of a theory of reality (which is why Jung comes along); observations do not suggest any rate of accuracy, to conclude anything being real supporting them. If we are dealing with an observer (Einstein) then that is as much subjective as objective in nature, much like Jung determined, because it must account for not knowing or even yet observing (unconscious) and tracks back to something not observing at all; an original complex. We've lost the thought-source thinking it below the speed of light (particle) when at the speed of light is the only thing actual (constant). You're submerged in an effect Jung explored in a symbol he called "Ocean" and I track to the Whitehouse event involving the entering of Biden (means "ocean"). Can NASA and professor save you? Do they see this? They are blind (Hades/sightless) as bats and cannot even see. Their observer has placed ulterior motive (work or starve) ahead of all sorts of things including compassion and purpose (theory). Ask yourselves this: does ulterior (unnatural) survive in nature? Reality is very precise and if we allow the Tyranny and their remnant educating needed to educate teach/preach here above obvious? How can they (leaders/educators) ever actually (light cone) succeed in reaching out beyond the one thing which has already been designed never to fail, evolving. The theory not being proposed behind what is actually happening here was presented to us from inflation to pious saints and megalomaniacs. Does it seem to be resolving or are we going extinct? The only reason why we are in this fix is because ulterior motives were selected ahead of logic and are sought at all cost (compulsively) below the level of reason. If it were up to education we'd still be promoting slavery, not trying to end it. We now think that level of education is necessary and has proven correct. Fenner and Hawking step back and take a look at that and yell something like, "get off the bloody planet". It has actually proven Jung's concept of mass insanity. That is mankind's philosophical breakdown right there at that question as it suggests the impossible: removed from existence for the final time when there is only the existence of always/eternal or temporal itself would seem highly doubtful; and yet here we are which removes pretty much all doubt unless something truly can come from nothing and that was Aristotle's original argument, I'm just borrowing it here. Nothing does not exist, it is something with the lack of observer or observation. That insanity permits dualism to grow out of monism, a term Jung notes came from the philosophers yet sophistry (Soph/wisdom istry/occupation) now means charlatan with no actual etymological link to the concept "fallacious reasoning". That is merely the level of school of though now killing off the philosopher level of development. Which one is the charlatan? What has to be observed is the pure thought and that means from the original sense-impression up through presupposition, feel and emotional response, to a high degree of logic to the most logically conjectured outcome available. By giving away freely I am performing/demonstrating that conjecture and that should produce a conscious selection and genetic event. This is why I stick to there likely being, as Plato suggests, a demiurge or select few (Aeon, Halen, chosen ones, council/"heaven") as reality would be most attainable worked out by a very few select well thought out people while the multiplicity now counting on them should support them at all cost, not hunt them down to persecute (Spinoza/Khunrath). There is a natural animosity between the demiurge (designers) and the creation because the singularities are rejecting the behaviors of the multiplicity and moving on with the incest victims the dominant allele seeks to destroy. Hence it would be a genetic event we likely face based on development, not numbers of supporters. I highly doubt evolution is a vote; but a selection. Darwin suggests the victim, whom we kill off on our streets, is actually the one to form into the new branch: we actually saw the symbol of bag lady (incest victim cast to street) transform into crack-whore having made an adaptation and mankind moved on to cause his own extinction (mass suicide). How is that education working out for you? We are tracking something very specific (thoughts appearing from a thought-source) but we are being taught not to do it for the purposes of performing meaningless labors for the ones designing education. My labors are for Hera. I can't even imagine a world as dense as this one where the degree of advertising we are seeing might even be considered remotely healthy in any sort of practical sense. Now money, like ulterior motive, is being placed ahead of compassion and humility by priority in any practical sense. I bet that goes extinct. We are facing extinction because our priorities are completely screwed up and to be honest without identifying levels of development they are even being completely misplaced and forgotten: and that insanity is being considered absolutely necessary by educators and their now insane students (mass insanity). Thoughts extend through time in order to form and must have basis, or they don't. But we are proof, if nothing else, that they unequivocally do and must therefore have basis. There it is, the only theory holding Einstein correct at first person singular of be making causality possible. Yet I must get a degree and a career; nothing more? I bet "we" is missing and "is" something there (plurality in persons) we ignore (eternal truths). "I" cannot ascend to second person, "we" do. Will this or that professor ever save "us"? I am certainly not counting on it; ever. On that path education destroys primitive (monistic), temple (matriarch), and philosopher (patriarch) as levels of development which in my opinion fails right on the spot in the area of ethics leaving one's self and others exposed and on the narcissism spectrum without any instinctual development in protection (marking and tracking the predator always/eternal). I talk openly on multimedia but I suspect most would rather see me dead. Our (plural determiner) saving grace is that our genes and chromosomes made it, it just can't get the mind to catch up in time to that thought through instinctual activity alone; and the mass mind is now that insane to be of any use for the purposes of evolving. This extinction (cause) is happening in the realm of psyche somewhere near the range of belligerence and hate; does not love (loathes). The environment is merely an effect and not a cause of our extinction. I bet I am not liked by people, I bet I am hated. Educating is not a necessity, it is an inferiority complex where 0.0 trust generates 0.0 integrity in creation resulting in exactly what one is seeing, not what one is being told. When did Einstein, or Jung for that matter, ever mention the teller. I bet the one's approaching reality are still observing correctly, and nothing more: educating would be completely screwed up biasedly causing the greatest inflation surrounding economics and greatest deflation surrounding ethics while freewill is discarded for pious saints (narcissism) telling us when to breath next. The only thing the natural philosopher is doing differently than anyone else, is honoring the truth. ... Dave and Abby


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