Ensuring RNA Quality from FFPE Samples for Single-Cell Transcriptomics

Ensuring RNA Quality from FFPE Samples for Single-Cell Transcriptomics

High-throughput single-cell transcriptome sequencing has significantly advanced the field of biomedicine, primarily utilizing fresh or frozen samples. However, FFPE (Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded) sample preparation poses some challenges. The processes involved—such as high-temperature incubation, oxidative exposure, and cross-linking between nucleic acids and proteins—can severely compromise RNA quality, especially given RNA's inherent vulnerability to degradation. Moreover, the prolonged room-temperature storage of paraffin samples exacerbates RNA degradation.

To ensure the preservation of RNA quality and quantity for single-cell transcriptomics research, proper sample preparation and efficient RNA extraction are crucial.

Paraffin-embedding protocol

At SeekGene, our innovative SeekOne? DD FFPE Single Cell Transcriptome-seq Solution is designed specifically to address the “cross-linking & degradation” characteristics of FFPE samples.

Employing a strategic “2*2” approach—two steps for de-crosslinking and two steps for reverse transcription—we maximize RNA yield and capture.

SeekOne DD FFPE Single Cell Transcriptome-seq - Principle

For more information about our products and how we can assist in your research, please reach out to your account manager or contact us at [email protected].

Paraffin-embedding protocol retrieved from Zhanmu, O., Yang, X., Gong, H. et al. Paraffin-embedding for large volume bio-tissue. Sci Rep 10, 12639 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-68876-5


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