Ensure that your business planning includes an element of “integrity”
The thought of incorporating “integrity” into any aspect of our business is a challenging one for me, and that’s simply because I don’t believe it is something that you can specifically productize and plop into a plan.
After all, integrity is everything in operating a business. Just take it from my dad: “Integrity is being able to walk from a piece of business when you don’t have any money.” Every time I think of that quote, I feel it in my heart and know where that comes from. If you knew the man, that quote was both philosophy AND reality.
Integrity is one of those things that you truly have to embody every day. You cannot just speak about it and place it on a wall or on a t-shirt. Heck, there are countless advisers that go around suggesting that organizations should incorporate integrity into their brand positioning. When you think of how integrity plays a role in your business – look first to yourself and your employees before looking elsewhere.
“It’s easy to play for a million when it’s not your money, but you don't know what pressure is until you've played for $5 a hole with only $2 in your pocket.” – Lee Trevino
The quote of the “Merry Mex” is one that we can all relate to because it speaks to fighting up to your own height. I can relate to some of the fear on the golf course, but the idea is there: you must act with integrity every day. It is all the little things that you do that make people notice.
Take it from me – I’ve kept a file on my computer for the special moments that remind me of why my father started the business. The notes speak to the gratitude and touching moments that happened when nobody was looking. The kind notes that didn’t require fanfare or go viral. These are the moments that can turn a bad day into one of tremendous focus.
So, when you’re looking at business planning for 2020 or some date in the future, think about those things that will move the emotional needle with yourself and your team.
We all want something to play and to fight for, and integrity can serve as that beacon of ‘wow.’