Ensure Standardized Mode of Measurement For Construction Organizations Using IS 1200

Ensure Standardized Mode of Measurement For Construction Organizations Using IS 1200

The IS 1200 method of measurement is based on the principle of the unit rate system, where each item of work is measured in terms of the quantity of materials and labor required to complete it. The standard provides the basic rules for measuring the quantities of different items of work, like earthwork, brickwork, plastering, painting, etc. Each item is described in terms of its scope, method of measurement, and unit of measurement.

The code also provides a detailed procedure for the measurement of various types of items of work, including excavation, filling, concrete work, masonry work, and so on. It is an important reference document for contractors, engineers, and other professionals involved in construction projects. It ensures that the measurements are done consistently and accurately, which helps to avoid disputes and misunderstandings over the quantities of work.

The need for this code arose when India started witnessing rapid development, but there was no uniformity in the measurement. The rationale for preparing this code was to bring coherence among the various government organizations and private construction professionals.

Let's take a broader look at this code.

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