ENSES CREDIT MANAGEMENT  versus Kahlil Guzi Karmenu Piscopo 11-11-2019

ENSES CREDIT MANAGEMENT versus Kahlil Guzi Karmenu Piscopo 11-11-2019

La Spezia ( I ) , April the 30 th 2018

ENSES CREDIT MANAGEMENT di Alessandro Salvatore - Via Zara, 14 – 19122 La Spezia (I) Tel: +39 0187301159 Fax: +39 01871857218 Cell: +39 3661795105Email: [email protected] - PEC: [email protected] Web: www.ensescredit.eu

Licence ex art. 115 T.u.l.P.S La Spezia Police Headquarters - Sios Investigations – Licence 134 T.u.l.P.S Massa Prefecture La Spezia ( I ) , April the 30 th 2018

To the Kind Attention of

Mr Kahlil Guzi Piscopo Indigo Dragon Trading limited [[email protected] [email protected]]

and for appropriate knowledge

Mr. Daniel Wong Attorney At law [email protected]

Mr. Fabio Pellegrini Victor Consulting Limited [email protected]

Mrs. Rattana – Udom Umawadee Attorney at law [email protected]

Miss. Sophia Lau Pak Wing Financial Crimes Department – Hong Kong [email protected]

Mr. Paolo Griggio [email protected]

Mr. Ippolito Lelli [email protected]

Subject: Payment of contract 17th October 2013 / REF IL020363

Dear Mr Piscopo,

I write on behalf of Mr. Ippolito Lelli, that has contacted my firm in order to obtain the due payments regarding the contract dated October 2013 signed between yourself, my client , and Victor Consulting Limited.

Given that :

· The Master contract and all subsequent amended contracts and offers are currently totally disregarded

· Viktor Consulting is still insolvent in providing a real BG, object of the Master contract and for which it was claimed a deposit through the current account of Attorney Mrs Rattana-Udom Umawadee;

· the use the passport number owned by Mr. Fabio Pellegrini (03/07/1961), CEO of Viktor Consulting Ltd associated to a different name - Giovanni Bonomi. Mr. Fabio Pellegrini, contacted on this matter, has denied the existence of Mr. Bonomi related to his passport, and has confirmed to be the owner of the Italian Passport: YA1817944.

· failed promised payments of debt recognition to my client at the order of Mr Michele Cerioli - Fideuram Bank Cremona

· improper and unauthorized use  of the data of Mrs Rattana-Udom Umawadee as per Legal Notice issued on July the 8th 2015.

On the grounds of the various parties involved, the abundant correspondence and the documents provided, besides various irregularity concerning official documents and names of the parties involved, I am here to ask for your contact in order, if possible, to solve amicably the issue of the payments to my client.

I remind you that, up to this moment, Mr. Ippolito Lelli has obtained just unfulfilled promises of payment from you and has subsequently been forced to activate International fraud investigations in order to verify your company assets and activities.

For what it is of my concern, I have been asked to conduct further investigations in accordance with Italian and foreign authorities, and at the same time, to accomplish a foreign collection activity concerning the civil outstanding balance, regardless of possible criminal implications. Nevertheless, on this last matter I warn you not to underestimate the fact that, among irregular documents, there is one of particular interest, which is a counterfeit HSBC bank guarantee provided by you to my client (see attached). I have been asked to cooperate with HSBC legal department on this delicate matter, which as you may understand involves a primary bank organization.

Given the above, with this letter I kindly ask you to take into due account your last payment promise of December 2017 to proceed with the first payment within 10 days from the receipt of this communication. I suggest to you to pay or propose, in case, an installment plan according to your real financial capabilities, in order for both not to waste any time.

I must advise you that, failing to do so, my firm will activate all our international investigation and collection parties in order to proceed judicially against you.

You are free to contact me if you wish to solve this matter on the following mobile number : +39................... A direct conversation would probably spare us a lot of useless activity.

Awaiting your kind reply,


Alessandro Salvatore


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