ENSEO HITEC 2018 Wrap Up
It was great seeing everyone at HITEC this year - As I have said for some time its our industry's Christmas. Everyone getting ready for months for friends & family to come over then the big day(s) followed by some real exhaustion.
Thanks to everyone who endured ENSEO's endless enthusiasm over what we are accomplishing and helping us learn what matters to you. Thanks for all the terrific response to our Associate Distress and Standards Based IoT services that are fully integrated with the Enseo E3 Platform. As you heard - we are very excited about these products.
Thanks to the entire ENSEO team - Its a very special team that finds out some of the team is working late and EVERYONE else shows up to help - then just enjoys being with each for a few more hours. I am proud to be a part of this team.
Thanks to all the HTFP staff & exhibitors at HITEC who work hard to create such a unique event. The show and your booths were outstanding which just raises everyone's game to enhance travelers experiences everywhere. We are honored to be a part of this industry.
For those that MISSED this year's ENSEO HITEC party - You missed a ton of great music, some of the best party food ever and a lot of fun. Face it - you blew it - just ask any of the 400+ that attended. #HITECtxregrets
Finally a special thanks to all of those attending the party who contributed to a great cause, the Houston Area Women's Center (HAWC) - fighting for an end to domestic and sexual violence for everyone. I don't have information on the final totals donated but one of the HAWC executives told me it was one of the best events they have ever had. You truly were in the HITEC spirit.
Merry HITEC to all and a Happy New Year
So much fun. Thanks Enseo