Enriching Yourself & Others Through Attending Seminars
Romir Jacob
Qualified Human Resources & Project Management Professional seeking an enriching position
Improving the quality of ones personal and work life is important and calls for enrichment. There are many ways to enrich oneself but one interesting way is through attending seminars. Seminars are events both short and long where a topic is explored and you leave learning something new.
While it is essentially mandatory to attend the seminars within your industry, attending seminars for fun in different areas that you enjoy is very enriching .
For example, I enjoy fitness so I am attending a couple of weekly fitness seminars where a different topic is discussed each week . I really enjoy it because I get to listen to something interesting and leave impressed.
Some of the benefits of attending seminars that you will enjoy are
* Learning New Information; Sometimes the topic may be one you have heard before. That does not matter. Go with an open and receptive mind and you will definitely learn something that you will enjoy a lot
* Personal enrichment: Through attending seminars you choose, you are able to take what applies to you and build upon it. Compare the results from before applying what you learnt to 8-12 weeks later and assuming you did the due diligence then you will be satisfied with your enrichment .
*Multidimensional approach to thinking : Sometimes if the seminar topic is a repeat of what you know then its even better for you because you will learn a new way to approach something .No two seminars of the same topic are taught the same way and the more multiple approaches you learn the better it is for your personal enrichment .
* Improved Techniques: Seminars also show different ways of doing things. So practice what has been taught and add them to what you know . The end result is a more effective and efficient version of what you currently do. Since you derive satisfaction from what you love doing , you will be further enriched .
After you have enriched yourself, its time to share the wealthiness of your enjoyment. So share your experiences of how you enrich yourself with others who are open minded like yourself. Then they might decide to do the same and continue this circle of enrichment :) . Remember just share your enrichment but do not waste your energy and time convincing. It is for you to enjoy and share, and others to enjoy if they seek it
Ill sign off now and get ready for work so you have yourself a very pleasant,positive & productive Thursday :) :) :)