Enriching Experience & Enlightening Environments: Cultivating Fruitful Culture from Within to the World
Gillian Marie Schuyler
People Development Spécialiste ?? Bringing Power to Empower Talents, Enrich Learning, & Enlighten Cultures
Like a grape plucked on a whim from the vine, if one were to pick any person at random passing by and ask them to ponder what “business” could be defined as, a majority would most likely say it simply involves selling products. Some may even add in the idea of selling them well, pruning a presentation to really persuade a buyer, or even add on the concepts of commission and income. While all of these aforementioned points are valid and do fall within the realm of the business industry, if left solely at that level they would make for a very acetic definition and viewpoint of sales on their own.
Personally, I am led to believe that businesses are encompassed by so many more facets past the basic sales concepts of products and exchanges. As with anything in life, all interactions one engages in from days, to weeks, to months, to maybe just an anniversary, experiences embody the richness of any story. If the story of a business is left without the value and verbose experience that can be created, it is left as a fruit that never grows past ripeness. To make any and all aspects of marketing and customer relationships meaningful and valuable, one must consider the experiences tied to it, and the potential fruitful experiences it can yield in the future.
It is of utmost importance to first and foremost cultivate an encouraging and enriching company and culture surrounding each person involved in an experience. When a company, or even a small sales team, can unearth a deeper meaning for their work that can be tied to their friendships amongst colleagues and fondness for what they together stand for, it is most always evident that there is purpose behind the products or hospitable service they offer. Just as a vine, when the soil is rich, the crop is fruitful and when the soil lacks nutrients and that certain terroir, the crop is left bitter. Anyone who walks along the rows can smell the effervescent sweetness of a good cluster of grapes and the juxtaposition to a barren vine.
Along those lines, the end consumer must be kept in mind, if not at the tip of the vine. One cannot hope for success purely based upon the promise of a transaction being completed between two parties. In creating a lasting and loyal relationship, a consultant must think of the experiences that their product or service can create and foster a foundation for. These experiences include the joyful engagement in exchange when a customer can trust in their provider and smile with every handshake. In really investing in relationships with customers and developing a portfolio past their order, but their personality and specific personhood as an entity, each and every interaction is made more personable and more meaningful. One must also consider the experiences that their product and interactions can bring their loyal customers. In looking to develop lasting relationships, that also expands into the field of taking an interest in the benefits and bountiful happiness your product can bring in the long run for your customer. Whether that is offering a glass of champagne to celebrate a sale or popping the cork of a fine vintage to cap-off the begging of a beautiful relationship for ages, products can and should enhance an experience and incorporate themselves naturally into the fondness of memories. Creating those memories and enhancing those experiences is what makes a product and its sales process or a service offered forth meaningful.
Espousing those values is wonderful but enacting them is what intertwines and brings the notes of intentionality and depth to the experience. As a leader, in any capacity in any company, it should always be at the forefront of one’s mind to consider their colleagues and customer. Enhancing the experiences of each in an array of ways is what makes any person not just an employee, but a leader. Anyone can be esteemed for a record, but to be deemed as a memorable mentor or meaningful connection is what makes someone a leader. Bringing together not just the concepts of planning, organizing, and controlling the aspects of sales, but adding in the zest and zeal of empowering, encouraging, and inspiring is what infuses any work environment and any interaction with an exquisite bouquet. Taking the time and making the effort to have that interpersonal touchpoint in each and every relationship tied to a business interaction and customer experience is what infuses each experience and memory with purpose. To lead is to humbly harvest many different fruits, recognizing the intrinsic and individual beauty of each, and combining them through thoughtful work to bring together a memorable and lasting masterpiece that many can appreciate for not just a moment, but many seasons throughout a life.