Enrich Your Writing
Add Some Elements that Make Your Content Stronger
Gardening aficionados know that to get the best plants, you must add things to the soil. Certain elements enhance the overall quality of the soil — and the plants.
In my writing career, I’ve learned that some small things can make a big difference in my finished copy. Like adding fertilizer to your lawn or garden, a few small additives can often yield disproportionately large dividends.
In my writing career, I’ve learned that some small things can make a big difference in my finished copy.
Good Grammar
Nothing derails how your ideas and thoughts are understood like bad grammar. Although grammar is a basic skill taught in all elementary, middle, and high schools, it seems most people skipped English for gym class. Don’t believe me? Browse a few Facebook posts or other social media comments.
You may be highly intelligent, but your writing errors make you look less so to others. Misspelled words, poor word choices, wrong (or lack of) punctuation, and poor organization leave would-be readers wondering what you mean — or skipping your writing entirely.
Consistent Writing Rules
Modern writing is much different than the strict formats from school and college. Some conventions in essay writing are completely tossed out the window in online writing. But whatever writing rules you choose to use, stick to them throughout the entire piece. Varying your writing in the small things can be confusing and throw off more discerning readers.
The following are little things, but changing them up in the same piece of writing signals a lack of attention to detail. Smart readers may wonder what else you’ve taken shortcuts on (like maybe your research). Pay attention to these writing elements and be consistent in how you use them:
Choose which rule you want to use and use it all the time, throughout your writing project.
Often, a client will specify what they want, such as using the Oxford comma, H1 and H2 headings, and so on. Then, your mind is made up for you. Otherwise, make sure your writing is consistent. It will set your work apart from other, lesser discerning writers and gain you a better audience.
Effective Storytelling
Readers identify with personal stories, like live audiences. In an earlier public speaking career, I carefully included a few personal stories to help drive home my ideas and keep the audience focused. I also kept a few spares on hand in case I saw my audience losing interest.
When I said, “It reminds me of a story…,” I literally saw heads turning back to focus on me on stage. Effective storytelling works.
The best stories are real ones because so many other people can identify with you. For example, when telling my freelance career story, I often begin with the phrase,
“I backed into freelance writing after an earlier career imploded and left me homeless.”
I then continue with, “When life came crashing in, I was 42 years old, had just completed a university degree, and was supporting a family of seven. Obviously, I had to work at something to keep everyone fed and clothed.”
My audience is hooked.
Try to use stories that involve you personally without sharing too much. My story contains many details that I’m not comfortable sharing, but what I do choose to share is relevant to my topic and that is enough.
For people with a keen eye, continual inconsistencies can negatively impact their perception of your brand.
Do you need help with your writing? I’m a published author and full-time freelance copywriter that regularly produces content for over a dozen digital marketing agencies across the United States.?Visit my website?to learn more about my writing business,?follow me on Medium?to get the latest articles on writing and freelancing, and purchase my book?How to Write Well?to quickly improve your writing skills.
This article was first shared on the author's Medium account on April 1, 2023.