Enrich Your Brain
Amy Segami
Innovation is not complicated. It's complex. Professional Speaker. Trusted Advisor. Engineer-Turned-Artist.
Given the interconnected complexity of our world, business success today requires a more creative and innovative mindset. Your brain is the most important asset to you and your team. Take every opportunity to enrich your brain.
ACRE is the longest-running international Business Creativity Conference in South Africa. You will be informed, inspired, and intrigued by 13 creativity experts from 6 countries.
I am honored to be the closing keynote speaker at this amazing virtual event. You might have heard my story of being hung upside-down at this TEDxTalk: Everything New Emerges from Turbulence. That story took place following my keynote at ACRE 5 years ago. This time, I will share my Painting on Water? --- Studio Strategies for the Creative Brain.
Can you use some sensible strategies to be more creative these days?
Thanks to technology, now you can attend the world-class event at a fraction of the cost. You will have access to all the recordings of the sessions if you sign up here today.
This sounds fantastic Amy. These endeavors to cultivate creativity...the world need more of them. Don't stop doing amazing things; ever!