Enough is Enough!
Don't keep kicking the can down the road, don't leave this for our next generation to fix. Fix it now! The next time bomb is our rising national debt and tied to it is social security, we keep kicking the can and expect our children and grandchildren will inherit the problem and be able to solve it. Even our founding fathers were forced to kick the can on slavery, so their grandchildren and the nation paid for it with the Civil War, and the South was decimated and rooted the social injustice issues we now have to deal with today. And with slavery and its abolishment rooted the racism that all men are not equal with inequal justice in America...
The slaughter continues and continues in America and Congress, the Senate, the Leadership remain in divisive stalemate so nothing changes. Mass murder is the awful result of lobbying for the 2nd Amendment and fighting to limit controls of weaponry rather than common sense gun control. Without change that curbs gun access and usage, we have a status quo that won't change the end result so the killing continues in the free-est country on Earth. This is insanity that is killing us, killing America, and turning the American Dream into a recurring nightmare!
The NRA attempts to maintain the status quo of fighting any legislation that makes gun laws more sensible and sane. Keeping things the same and expecting the same outcome is their game, but we all know that's the definition of insanity. They want bum stocks that turn semi-automatics into machine guns, mass murder machines. They want to keep automatic weapons out there and we've seen the effect, alot more killings of innocents. The NRA wants to exempt people from other states that don't have concealed weapons laws. The NRA wants silencers to be readily available to protect the ears of gunowners even though there has long been an alternative.... What kind of killing enabling organization is the NRA? Why is the NRA so heavily funded by arms manufacturers?
The NRA claims to protect our 2nd amendment rights, that's the justification for their existence. The NRA claims to be doing this for us, when they are doing it for the greedy manufacturers of guns, the gun industry, the gun dealers, but also the criminals and crazies. Actually the NRA has usurped and abused the 2nd Amendment. There's a plethora of weaponery and munitions that exist today that were not conceived of when the Founding Fathers framed the American Constitution. But the NRA has polluted the Constitution to mean automatic weapons, machine guns, gunstocks were to be protected by the 2nd Amendment and that started this "gun insanity". The framers of the Constitution knew only of single shot rifles and pistols.
When the British ruled the American Colonies, the Tories did not want the Colonists to have guns and would confiscate them and punish any civilian with a weapon. Colonists wanted guns for self-defense and hunting so that was the thinking of the framers of the 2nd Amendment, the right to bear arms for self-defense and protection against the overbearance of the British military. The 2nd Amendment was never intended to be a right to own just any type of weapon and certainly not modern day weapons of war. But the NRA will be the last to admit this, usurping the 2nd Amendment to include any gun, weapon, ammo, or accessory. The 2nd Amendment is not a right to commit mass murder! The 2nd Amendment is not a right to kill or murder another human being! While we cannot hold the NRA criminally for murder, death, and injury due to the use of guns. Through changes in the law we should be able to hold them civily liable and dry up the support they receive and then put common sense gun laws in place.
The NRA claims it is keeping America great! It is Making America the greatest killing machine in the world. The NRA has made America the greatest mass murder suicide nation on Earth. The NRA has made America the greatest child killing gun nation on Earth. The NRA has made America the great mass shooting nation on Earth. The NRA has made America the greatest school massacre nation on Earth. And they stall and try to maintain the status quo, blaming the mentally ill and criminal actors, arguing for more guns and for making America more of an armed camp. This is insane. Thank you NRA, you have made America so great in so many ways, the bodies of the thousands of dead are swept under the carpet. Yes, the NRA deserves all the credit, don't blame the mentally ill. There's mentally ill and criminal killers all around the world, but America is the greatest gun killing nation on earth because it has the NRA, only US. We have easy access to guns and ammo thanks to the NRA.
America needs sensible gun laws and controls and reduce the availability of mass murder weaponry out there. We are now worst than the old Wild West where everyone used to carry guns and had to be ready to use them at any time. Justice then was the end of a gun. There is no justice for the hundreds of innocent victims, none should have been victims. We are all victims of the NRA! When are we going to stand up and scream "Enough is Enough!" Why isn't Parkland enough? Why wasn't Columbine with angry adolescents enough? And what made all sensible Americans weep, why wasn't Sandy Hook enough? Is the NRA so strong and powerful that we continue this status quo and children keep dying? This is insane and maddening!
Yes, there are mentally ill all over the world, in every nation on earth. There are criminals too with guns everywhere in the world too. But what makes America different than every place on Earth and the greatest killer of innocents is America and only America has the NRA supported by the gun lobby, no other country or place on Earth has an organization like the NRA that has made America truly uniquely great again and again. The NRA is the real problem. Can we only lament, Enough is Enough?
The NRA has bought too many politicians, it's time to vote them out of office, ban the NRA, and become a more sane and sensibly great nation again. It's time to stop killing our kids! Ask yourself, how many more must die before we have the strength to change and stop this madness? We should never have to fear sending our kids to school nor should anyone in a truly great nation fear the horror of children and teachers being murdered in mass in our schools. Only the NRA maintains and promotes this insanity... It's far too easy to get guns and really weapons of war, this is not what our founding fathers had in mind when they framed the Constitution. It's far too long for us to delay acting any further, expose the cloak around the NRA and vote to oust their minions in office. What kind of nation is so great that it allows hundreds of kids as young as 6 to be murdered in mass, hundreds to date since Columbine < 20 years ago? What kind of madness is this in a Great Nation? How can we continue to kick the can down the road and let this stuff continue? NO, WE CANNOT, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! The solution begins with taking away the political power base that supports the NRA, vote out those politicians! Divest from gun manufacturers and dealers, influence funds to divest, anywhere you can influence, guns are a cancer on America. Don't support businesses that give NRA members or sponsors discounts. Also why is there so much Russian influence money going into the NRA?
Even the leadership that wants to spend $25B to build a wall shows his misguided sense of value. A wall won't protect us and prevent murder and killing of innocent Americans like just $2B in gun buybacks to take 10+ million guns off the streets of America. The current leader in the bully pulpit treats the 2nd Amendment like it's our entire Constitution, it is NOT! He has made it clear the 2nd Amendment is more important than the 1st Amendment by his attacks on a free press (Putin tactics). Leadership is tainted and bought by the gun lobby, vote your heart and mind to change this and stop the madness, please!!! How many more kids and innocents must die? How many? Stand Up and shout "Enough is Enough!"
Additional References: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-43138934/florida-shooting-enough-is-enough