Enough to all the Outdoor activities?
Being a manufacturer in end-consumer market, one has to suffice to many needs. Which down jacket do we wear? What material would be the best? How not to loose the elegance of your down jacket in the long run? Why use down and nor fur or polyester or vice versa? Even down to the questions of what color should I choose? However, this all could only be decided in the light of your activity that you wish to have.
Now for somebody who wishes to scale the mountains, having rugged and rough edges, a soft outer shell can't be recommended. The chances of it to be torn away are quite normal.
So we have 2 solutions to it. Either you wear them as second layer, being protected by some outer hard shell. Or you could simply get it to be made up of some hard material as nylon. This might add some extra weight but when it comes to durability, this certainly comes up to the expectations.
The wet climates are another issue in deciding what to wear. The jacket filled with geese down has a downside to it when it comes to humid conditions. As seen that it won't dry that easily.
In that case the polyester filling will help us achieve the results. As they have the ability to dry quickly as compared to down, with an added advantage that a even a soaking synthetic jacket will be able to retain a certain amount of heat. Furthermore, synthetics are relatively easy to be taken care of, as washing a synthetic bag or jacket is nothing compare to great deal of time and care demanded by down jacket. Alternatively one can use Box Baffle method of stitching with rain resistant material to still enjoy warmth and lightweight of the down.
So various are the variables that contribute to the exact kind of insulated jacket that is to be needed. For those who wish to have lightweight, geese down filling is preferred. This definitely does come at a cost, making it expensive as compared to synthetic polyesters used. Down jackets are usually to be handled with care, must be hanged whence not to be used for a long period of time. When it comes to what to choose, synthetic materials are chosen because of low costs, easy to take care of and to minimize the practice of live-plucking of the down. The growing demand of down wont let the such practices die away that easily, but the consumer is, what matters in decisions.
Being a manufacturer all we know is that demand follows supply, and to get the business running we have to entertain all such requests, with certain level of expertise our job is to guide them about what should they have.
Babar Mirza Owner Northmight Company "Where Adventure Meets Comfort"