Enlightenment - The 1 Minute Summary

Enlightenment - The 1 Minute Summary

1. Who are you??

Take a second to close your eyes and imagine you lost your ability to see, smell, hear, taste, and touch. All of your senses are gone. Now imagine that all of your memories are?gone...you have no name, no language, no one you know...you're a blank slate with no information at all.?Are you still?alive? Maybe…but who is it that's alive? This is the inner "you"...the inner you has no mental constructs like an identity, memories, or even senses. The term given to this inner you is called consciousness in modern language?and spirit in prior language. What you'll soon find out though is that this consciousness itself is not real.

Let's put this in another way...from a physics standpoint, you're nothing more than a bundle of atoms surrounded by more atoms. From a biological standpoint, you?are a moving package of meat and bones that makes some sounds. That's it. No one has a "better" or "worse" experience of life than you...we’re all just moving blobs of meat that make noise. The only difference is what's imagined in our minds (key word being imagined).?

2. Oneness

Everything occupies your conscious experience equally...your body, the air, the chair, the person next to you, the ground...it's all the same in that it all flows into that inner conscious experience. To call your body “you” and not the ground “you” is an incorrect and arbitrary distinction. There is no separation.

The best visualization of this is a?movie projector. Your consciousness is the movie projector and everything you experience in life is just the movie. Remember, the movie comes from the inside of the projector. So “you” are not just a character in the movie…you’re the projector that’s displaying the entire movie and all of the objects and characters in it. Hence, you’re everything.

3. Meaning of Life

What is the “meaning of life”? Well, what’s the meaning of trees? What’s the meaning of sound? You’ll quickly find that this question makes no sense because there is no “meaning”. What you’re implying by that question is whether there is something else for you to experience that justifies why you’re working so hard to live the way you do every day.

Let’s say you believe in an afterlife to justify your present suffering, what’s the point of the afterlife? There is no point. There is no meaning. You can keep going layer after layer, but it always stops somewhere…and where it stops, you’ll find that the endgame has no meaning.

So what’s the point of it all? There is no point. THAT is the beauty of it and THAT is enlightenment. As Alan Watts puts it, living life is no different than listening to music…it comes and goes, and you simply experience it as it passes by. There’s nothing more to do.

4. Pure Happiness

If you’ve truly accepted points 1 to 3, the only thing left for you to do is live in a state of pure happiness all the time. There’s nothing to be worried about. Everything is beautiful and perfect. Nothing is “bad”…pain, sadness, loss, and disease are just as beautiful as love, calm, prosperity, and euphoria. It’s just a movie.

In this state, your ego disappears and you’re purely in a state of giving. It’s the only state of unconditional love towards everyone and everything because it’s all a part of you. It’s all a part of this movie, and you’re the movie projector.

To experience this state of being every day, I invite you to do a 1-on-1 meditation session with me. We provide it through Zoom and in-person if you are in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. Since it’s a nonprofit, everything is completely free. Kindly contact me via LinkedIn or email for details: [email protected]



