Enlightening Leaders have developed an innate awareness that everything is interconnected.

Enlightening Leaders have developed an innate awareness that everything is interconnected.

Enlightening Leaders have developed an innate awareness that everything is interconnected.???

By Shakti Dudley, June 8, 2024


The Universal Law of Divine Oneness states that everything is connected to everything else. What we think, say, do and believe will have a corresponding effect on others and the world around us. All of humanity and Spirit are One. We are always connected to the “force” of Spirit because the energy of Spirit is everywhere at once, and permeates through all things living or material, as well as the knowledge of Spirit is infinite and always available to us.? Each soul is part of Spirit's energy.

?Everything that exists seen and unseen is connected to each other, inseparable from each other in a field of Divine Oneness.? Divine all knowing, the matrix, pure consciousness or universal mind energy, sometimes also known as Life Force or God.? Everything is One.

?Increasing our awareness of this law increases our awareness of Spirit and of everything being connected to my heart.? It is important for us as a human race to start realizing and understanding this law.? As we do, we will realize that what we think of each other should be only for good.? As we think of the good in others, they will in turn think of the good in you.? It is essential that the thoughts, feelings and actions be for good, “we reap what we sow".? As you gain a fuller understanding of the laws, you will see how they are all related, overlap with each other and govern the world we live in.

?Have you ever thought about someone and then they called you? Have you ever wondered why people around you are behaving in a certain way? Have you ever experienced things in life repeating themselves? Before I became aware of the Universal Law of Oneness, I kept attracting and dating the same type of men and I was always disappointed on some level. What became clear to me later in life is that I was out of alignment with myself and my self-worth was low. The men I was attracting were a reflection of what I was projecting...I needed to heal and forgive past experiences and restore my love for myself and reconnect with my Higher Self…hence remembering and returning to Oneness.

?Everything consists of, and exists as energy. Your subatomic particles aren’t fixed. In fact, particles are flowing into and out of you now from: this page, the sky, the floor, your best friend and your worst enemy. In other words, there is no separation. How would you behave as a leader in your life if you really knew that you were not separate from life, your friends, colleagues and every being that has ever existed? The answer is – probably differently.?

?When I started in the profession of Transformational Leadership Consulting and Executive Coaching in the late 70’s, I was a woman attempting to “make it” in a man’s world. I thought I needed to be tough and powerful…and I was…and sure? enough this way of being produced results. The problem was, I wasn’t connected to my heart…or to Oneness, it was all up to me…I had to produce results for my clients and I adapted a behavioral style to fit in and BE who and what I thought they wanted me to be to make it in the world of business. I separated myself to keep myself safe and protected. If only I had known then about the Law of Oneness?

?The key to everything is…it’s a bit like going to a restaurant and reading the menu, you know all the options but until you taste it you do not know what it is like. So many are earnestly reading and studying, however people are confused, intellectually and conceptually people understand but haven’t given themselves the opportunity to dive into this. This is a matter of reaching out and letting yourself be touched in a manner that is profound, not merely understanding it. You are connecting with the love of your life, the Beloved. A transformation is happening, diving into this and the connection with Oneness and the Divine is a heart connection.?

?Discovering my connection to my true nature and realizing my interconnectedness to everything and everyone was and is profound. All of a sudden what was burdening me from the past, now contributed to my wholeness. I have more compassion for myself and others. I am extremely aware that everything is connected and I pay very close attention now in ways I was blind to before. Everything in my life has led me back home to Oneness. I live and lead from an open heart, I am curious, and in awe of the beauty that surrounds me, the love I have in my life with all my relationships. No longer am I victimized by low self-worth and people mistreating me…just the opposite. I share deep love and reverence with everyone in my life, friends, family, clients, colleagues, children, animals, my home, nature, the people who work in the stores and businesses that serve me, the mailman, the UPS driver, my yoga teachers and most importantly with myself and with Spirit.

?What tools are there to have this kind of experience?

?Our heart connection is the key.? It is important to study with teachers and masters as it gives us a framework for when the experience starts to happen. Having done your homework in advance you are prepared when you start to experience the deeper levels of connectedness…it's a relationship you are building with the deeper levels of yourself, it becomes important to you, you make time for it, not something you squeeze in-between meetings and other obligations.

?When you shift your priorities and make way for these experiences in your life quantum leaps happen. The whole ball game changes and you start to feel what you have been longing to feel.

?Deepen or start a spiritual practice. Moments of sacred connectedness. Focus on your heart connectedness, utilize tools, set the stage. It will reward you in ways that are immeasurable. ?Reading theory and philosophy will only take you just so far.

?Surrender, allowing yourself to be vulnerable, you knock on the door and the most incredible reply comes, JOY, that’s how you know.

?It is a delicate balance between your intention of what you want to have happen and your willingness to receive it. Being open to receive the answer….it will come in a vibrational shift, or a feeling.

?Opening to your own highest being, connecting with the Divine that is not other than you, rather, it is you, at your highest and purest level.

?Make a declaration when you open your heart to share with your Divine Self, that is of the highest expression of a spiritual journey.

?The potential for having a most extraordinary spiritual experience is the birthright of everyone.

?You have to prepare the ground for the seeds you are planting. If you are hoping for a flower, you won’t plant? it in the ground that is not conducive to nurture the plant to grow and bloom. Keeping your life and your associations as pure as you can. When you do, you become more conscious of where you go and who you hang out with to keep your energy high. You will start to think twice about where you are going and who you are with. It’s an energy roller coaster.

?Everyone’s spiritual journey is unique, just like our fingerprint. Choose a path that feels right to you, follow your heart, there is no right or wrong path. Once you have reached the summit no one will care how you got there. Honor yourself and your truth.

?Enlightening Leaders experience the Divine as their own Self, more conscious, more awakened… you have shifted into the highest octave of your own being, your own Self. Even if you have experienced a peek into the keyhole the game is not over.

Leaders everywhere, in all types of organizations be it corporate, social or political can rise up to this challenge of leading from this innate awareness that everything is connected and transform the culture, mindset and behaviors of their entire organizations. Guiding each and every? person to awaken to this awareness and let go of judgments, criticism, defenses and separation and come from a heart centered, respectful and reverent place when dealing with the challenges, breakdowns and demands of business,? causing a shift in consciousness and as a result transforming results, uplifting the people of the organization, operating as One through igniting their own spirit to belong to a higher purpose with those they work with and serve.

?Being aware there is another world going on here is where you start. It is a long and fascinating journey. The way people are becoming more aware in these times is different than centuries back. So many people are awakening at the same time being guided to do this gently. Put your toes in, then your ankles, then you will have waves come and go until you are in it up to your neck…then you are dissolved into the water and feel engulfed into the wave until you realize you are there.. It takes time, attention and takes work.

?Letting go of your stuff,? getting? in touch with what is important and how to get unstuck from the triggers.

?There are no words for this journey and then there are a thousand words for this journey.


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