The Enlightened Leader in YOU

The Enlightened Leader in YOU

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves – Lao Tzu

In one of my earlier articles, The best Investment of Your life, I had highlighted the key steps to work on to make a valuable difference and scraped on the topic of effective leadership. A lot of my followers asked me to delve deeper on this aspect. I want to share my two cents on what I feel comprises leadership and how you can not only aspire to, but actually become one, someday.

The new road map

We are all in this day and age surrounded by examples of pioneering luminaries who have fought all odds to become part of an elite group of leaders who have made a profound difference. The membership to this group is not for all, as many understand it to be. Some believe you are born with the talent to lead or essentially you naturally become a leader thanks to your pre- ordained destiny.

My personal opinion is quite the opposite. I believe we are all natural born leaders. I believe that we are all brilliant in our own humble ways. I believe that if given the right set of guidelines, anyone can get started on the track of proving to be not a good leader, but a truly unforgettable and great one indeed.

 The difference between where you are and where you want to be, is what you do. This is my firm belief. Where you are at this moment in time, is because of the choices you have made and efforts you placed. The deal is simple. You only get one chance to make it or break it. But the question at stake is are you willing to go the extra mile? Are you willing to put in great effort to unlock this hidden talent within you?

Have you ever delved on the saying everyone wants to go to Heaven but nobody wants to die? Interesting, as it nicely wraps up the dilemma of wanting to become more but not putting the necessary actions in place. These beings remain caught up in dreams and excuses, which justify their not becoming more. I have only one response to this. The most unprofitable item ever manufactured is an excuse.

Simply put. You want to lead, just get started.

The modus operandi

I feel a true leader is not necessarily one who is at the helm of things. He could be in any walk of life and makes his humble difference in his own unique way. Leaders have certain attributes that make them stand out amongst others and could be so inspiring, that people eventually want to emulate them or crave being in their presence. But behind this aura, hides hard work, steel determination, commitment to the cause and a deep burning desire to become more, do more, be more.

Leadership to me, needs to be cultivated on a personal basis daily. With a few guidelines, you too may one day become a true front-runner.

  • A negative mindset eats your goals and dreams for breakfast

The essential first step is to change your mindset towards achievement. It has to be more clear and focused on what you need to do. A better future usually belongs to those who don’t wait around for things to happen. They go out and make them happen. It has to be less fixated on what risks you will incur. If you can change your thinking from within, you can change everything on the outside. Always try and see the silver lining in all challenges and risks you incur on this journey. Stay positive and always keep the big picture in mind.

  • Your 10 year goals in a daily plan

Setting realistic and achievable macro and micro goals is next on the plan of action. Have an outline of the next ten years of your life and clearly vision where you see yourself standing. Picture it clearly as to where you want to go, the places you want to visit, the differences you want to make. Your thinking has to be your ally to the cause here. It has to only keep reminding you that all is possible, if you just try, try and try once again.

However, caution needs to be taken here. If you have decided your main goals for the next ten years, you must break them down into smaller monthly and daily goals. A small tip for you is to keep a notebook handy with you at all times. Write down your goals and any thoughts or reflections as you go along. As you reach your goals, strike them out and write better and refined goals.

Keep perfecting this future picture of you. It will keep evolving as you keep learning and growing. It is really interesting to keep referring back to your little notebook and see your goals in the past. What mattered so much before as a goal, may very soon become a way of life for you, as you climb the corporate ladder or pass through life’s phases. But such notes keep you grounded and you will appreciate your progress.

  • Action is your fuel for the future

For me, the word leadership is actually a verb. It’s all about actioning your intentions. You can plan the best life plan with all your heart and soul, but it will only be on a piece of paper, till you decide to make it a reality. Energizing your efforts and inspiring yourself with purposeful and determined action is imperative in becoming a leader of today.

  • When Trouble calls, stick to your Values

A very important aspect is inculcating and understanding the value of discipline, honesty, integrity and truth. One of the most heart rendering elements of an inspiring leader is one who stays true to his word and dares to withstand all upheavals. He has high moral character and always takes the high road wherever possible.

Your conscience and values have a strange power of their own. It is appreciated by even your most vile of adversaries as it is has a universal appeal and showcases what true grit you are made of. It is in the most troubled times, that a leader’s values are judged, his choices assessed and results seen. If you always keep your vision clear on your goals with faith and not fall below your standards of values, no matter how hard the situation, you will be remembered in hearts.

 It is a clear fact of Karma. What goes around, eventually comes around. What you sow, so shall you reap. So believe in goodness of having high values and standards and stay away from shortcuts. Take the long haul and you will leverage as a true leader.

  • Complete the task or else never start it!

Another discipline which must be groomed is to taking your tasks to completion. You can make the most splendid of plans and goals and paint a rosy picture for yourself. However, what use is this if you lose hope midway, and do not achieve the goals.  I have often seen this happening, where empty promises are made and not kept.

This is where challenges and how you tackle them should be seen to. If you do not plan to stick to realizing your goals, simply do not start working on them. You may be able to fool others, but you can never fool your Inner Voice of calling. Keep the rule simple. You must change the game plan but never the goal.

  • Challenges are your best teachers in life

We might be deterred from our path to enabling the leader within, by constant challenges thrown our way. But how you view them is the ground breaker for entering into a new realm of leadership. Wise leaders know that challenges are merely teachers, wearing a disguise of troubling situations.

 Obstacles and risks only shape you to become wiser, smarter, aware and more refined in your ways. Embrace them as they are the best teachers of your life. Success and winnings are a natural outcome anyway. But your learnings are only amplified by these very twists and turns on your journey to self-actualization.

  • Keep calm… Focus on solutions

Try and keep calm and endeavor to not lose your cool in the most troubling of times. Your patience and thinking is tested in turbulent times. Still waters run deep and you must make it a point to showcase your thinking on solutions and steer yourself away from emotions and worries , with aggressive determination. A leader is an enabler of solutions and patiently waits to strike at the right moment. Learn and inculcate this characteristic.

  • The higher the standards, the faster your rising

The understanding should be clear. If you cannot master your inner demons and push yourself enough, how can you ever lead? You are only a reflection of what you believe in and put efforts in. Place high standards of performance on yourself and you will be amused by the wonders of Creation, as you perform better with time . All you need to do is push harder every time. These standards must be complemented with a constant striving towards learning more and perfecting your skill. Knowledge is power in the world of today. It does not cost much but it will take you a long way in a short period of time.

  • You as your most ardent motivator and follower

In this wonderful journey of unlocking leadership within and what you are meant to become, you will need approvals and acknowledgments as mini motivators. Here lies the wisdom of ages . Do not look to others for approval. If it comes your way, appreciate it.

The only place you should look for a pat on your shoulder for a job well done, is your inner consciousness. Your Inner Voice of Reason will never lie to you. If you know that you have done your best, you will be more content, happy and peaceful in the reflection of your efforts. This reflection itself, will motivate you to dream more and be more. It is a journey and not a finishing line. Understand this. It is not about when you finish the race, but how well you finish it.

  • Striving for perfection is not a goal, it’s a lifestyle.

It is constant striving for perfection that will make you an unforgettable leader. It is not a goal. It is a lifestyle. Inculcate this in every action, word and promise you make, and you will enable greatness not only within, but around you. It is a culture and a way of thinking that can be learnt, groomed and realized with great winnings.

Your Life as your end game

There are three things that have a force of their own in organizations. They happen naturally and conveniently and do not need any grooming or efforts. Let me name them for you.

  1. Under-performance;
  2. Confusion and;
  3. Friction.

These three elements if not curtailed at the right moment, can take an organization on an exit route towards absolute chaos. This is exactly where effective leadership steps in and makes an impact. This is where you need to step up no matter what definitive role you are playing in the organization.

When you start the momentum of change within, you must make it a point to spread your learning. However, make sure you do not waste your time in helping those, who do not help themselves. There is something very valuable to learn here.

In helping others achieve what they want, you achieve what you want. A wise leader knows this Universal law. A leader is not only good with what he does, but has an innate ability to bring out the best in others. Here stands the difference between a good leader and a great leader. Leadership in all its essence, is all about influence and affecting others in a way never done before. It is about liberating energy in others and inspiring their hopes and dreams. You will empower more followers to become leaders in their own right one day.

Create the future you envision for yourself and you will not only bring out the leader within you, but in those who cross paths with you as well. It is your contribution and payback to humanity.

Remember, it is never too late to start and regrets should have no place in your lifespan. Make it a choice to believe and begin this journey that is waiting for you get on board. You only get a one-way ticket on the path of leadership. There is no looking back on past regrets. Only look ahead onto new horizons and bringing out the best within and around you.


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