Enlighten Us
A message to higher education
The paradox of education is precisely this — that as one begins to become conscious one begins to examine the society in which he is being educated. — James Baldwin
Colleges and universities are trying to do what they always do in a world that, in the past, did not argue their position, but not today. Today, higher education is hitting one brick wall after another. They are so immersed in a tradition, that they have forgotten who they are. I believe there is a better way. A way that would be a bold light in a long, dark tunnel.
As a college degree is losing its sparkle, so are jobs. Colleges need to create a period of enlightenment. Dark days have crushed Americans in every age bracket. If universities could create a period of hope for humanity, it could unlock potential and hope here and abroad. The timing is perfect. It just takes a new perspective. The expected is not going to happen. So do something unheard of, become the prophets of possibility and the nurturers of human potential.
In unusual times, do unusual things. Open the doors of colleges and universities to all Americans. A reduced one-time offer for enlightenment. Call it the GAP (Greater Authentic Purpose) year. A year for enlightenment. Credential every student. Offer the joy of learning. Create a historical moment towards the ingenuity of humans. Take a reprieve from technology and study the disciplines that nurture reason and generate ideas. Allow students from all walks of life a break from to-do, and instead awaken their senses. We are a broken nation. This remarkable initiative will bring healing and hope.
Chancellors, I beg of you to step away from your ivy walls and open your doors, online, to a nation of fear and uncertainty, and provide a peace in understanding. A frozen moment in time that feeds the spirit and restores calm and mental health. We cannot solve the world’s problems from a sinking lifeboat, but we can find a new perspective in rescue. For the millions of Americans in dire consequences, living in fear of sickness and panic of personal finance, be the steady hand.
The inability to break from the normal, will break our educational system. Timing is everything. This moment has been given to you, to enlighten and inspire not only our nation, but also our global partners. Give a space that is frozen in tradition a break for joy. Create an online live platform ready for launch in September, a feast for the brain, to feed our souls. Invite small groups to campus for blue sky walks for in-depth debates, music, art, experiential learning, and the awe of nature. Stop the world, we can return to it when all is safe in a more inspired state of awareness.
Tomorrow is an open book. Do not fill it up with yesterday. While professors panic, parents despair, and students question their need for college, become the living poster of educated. We are a nation sliding into ignorance. Our democracy will not weather the storm of an unenlightened citizenry. It is time to walk the talk. I beg of you to be a safe haven of reason and place of hope for tomorrow.
There is no no, only denial. The time is now for an educational transformation in America that will revolutionize our people, and in turn, our nation.
The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next. — Abraham Lincoln