Enjoyable work – Why it matters more than a pay rise

Enjoyable work – Why it matters more than a pay rise

Most of us like to feel useful, to have the opportunity to do stuff that we’re good at and that’s interesting. It makes life enjoyable. Yet sadly, having a job with enjoyable work is still not a given for everyone.

Investors in People has just published its annual snapshot* of how employees are feeling about their jobs and workplaces. Looking ahead at 2019, we’re seeing an interesting paradox emerge that has the importance of enjoyable work written all over it.

Nearly half the UK workers we talked to are thinking of applying for a new job this year, and yet 44% of them are craving job security. So, what’s driving this potential exodus? What’s so bad that people are prepared to experience short-term disruption for long-term security?

Well, uncertainty about Brexit and a decrease in full-time vacancies (down 7% in late 2018 from 2017) may well be contributing factors; along with the depressing news that one in five people are saying workplace stress is the worst thing about their job.

But I think there is something more critical to be gleaned from this research, and that is an instinctive longing for work which is more fulfilling.

We talk a lot about engagement in terms of people management, but the stark truth for many organisations is that people don’t enjoy their work; they are bored, unhappy, stressed and unfulfilled – disengaged in fact.

When people are genuinely interested in their work, they become more strongly engaged with their organisation, able to grow in confidence and develop skills on that journey. To enjoy work is to feel stretched and challenged in a good way, to feel valued and useful, with the opportunity to use your talents.

Naturally, competitive levels of pay remain attractive to workers, yet year after year people are telling us that money is not the be-all and end-all. A significant 49% of people looking to find a new job prioritised enjoyable work over other qualities, and many others interviewed want simply to make better use of their talents and skills.

People not actively planning to change jobs have a similar perspective – in terms of what they appreciate most from an employer, enjoyable work is up there on a par with competitive pay. Having a good work/life balance is paramount, as well as good team mates. Both of those rated higher than pay levels.

We heard that  one in five workers are still looking to rid themselves of the Sunday night blues –. That feeling of dread follows people through the week,  affecting their abilities and their mental health.We know for sure that more enjoyable work can help to ease the blues – if you have something interesting lined up for Monday morning, you’re going to feel happier and start the week on a more productive note. 

None of this is a one-way street. To be more interested and engaged we need enjoyable work to be integral to our roles and responsibilities. If employers can better align what it is they ask their people to do in the workplace with who those people really are, we can go a long way as a society towards delivering good work.

And clearly that will benefit not just the individual, but whole organisations. It is about organically nurturing a culture of productivity and innovation, with people who feel engaged and empowered to use their talents. It’s about enjoyable work.

Paul Devoy


*Essential reading for all leaders and talent management professionals, the “Job Exodus Trends” report from INVESTORS IN PEOPLE explores the things that make people feel happy or unhappy at work, and how likely they are to look for a new job in 2019.

Mark Burns

Housing professional and management consultant helping the public sector to reduce costs whilst transforming services

6 年

This is a really interesting study. In my previous role as a systems thinking consultant it was very noticable that many organisations gave little thought to the impact of how work is designed and managed! For erxample, all too often technology was misused in the drive to cut costs and improve performance! Great work design, high performance and employee happiness, all come hand-in-hand!?



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